Saturday, December 28, 2019
Current Political and Social Problems of Pakistan
Current Political and social problems of Pakistan!! Introduction Pakistan these days is facing an immense crisis in political, social and economic drawback, recently Pakistan is passing through a series of chronic and painful problems include political, socioeconomic, energy crises, security, uncertainty in Balochistan, day to day suicide bombing, foreign Drones attacks and worst situation of law and order in FATA and NWFP. These all are brain blasting and heart pinching for all true Pakistanis. Pakistan has been facing many crisis and problems since the time of its independence, but today the number of problems has multiplied to an extreme. From the basic necessities like food, clothes and shelter to the security of lives. Categorizing†¦show more content†¦An update of the five censuses is as under: |Census Year |Definition of Literacy |Literacy Rate | |1951 Census |One who can read a clear print |16.4% | | |in any language. | | |1961 Census |One who is able to read with understanding a simple |16.3% | | |letter in any language | | |1972 Census |One who is able to read and write in some language |21.7% | | |with understanding | | |1981 Census |One who can read newspaper and |26.2% | | |write a simple letter | | |1998 Census |One who can read a newspaper |43.9% | | |and write a simple letter, in any language. | | Present Literacy and Illiteracy Rate: The average increase inShow MoreRelatedPolitical Stability1116 Words  | 5 PagesCitation: Review of Political Instability Summary: Political instability has become a huge and serious problem for both developing and underdeveloped countries. Pakistan is also in one of these countries which is facing the problem of political instability. The instability of government, inefficiency of political parties and a weak political culture make Pakistan a politically instable state. Political stability is important for keeping the societyRead MorePakist Child Health And Mortality1658 Words  | 7 Pages04/28/15 Global Health Country Report Pakistan: Child Health and Mortality Introduction Since it’s separation from India in 1947, Pakistan steadily grew to a country with a population of about 184.35 million people in 2013, making it the sixth most populous country in the world (â€Å"About Pakistan†). Pakistan is broken into four provinces: Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (â€Å"About Pakistan†). Its capital is the city of Islamabad. While Pakistan has taken many steps to improve the stateRead MorePakistan Energy Outlook1747 Words  | 7 PagesPakistan Energy Outlook (2010/11 to 2025/26) Executive Summary Pakistan’s energy sector is in a state of crisis and over the past few years has negatively impacted the social and economic development of the country. Primary energy consumption in Pakistan has grown by almost 80% over the past 15 years, from 34 million tons oil equivalent (TOEs) in 1994/95 to 61 million TOEs in 2009/10 and has supported an average GDP growth rate in the country of about 4.5% per annum. However since 2006/07Read MorePakistan Energy Outlook1740 Words  | 7 PagesPakistan Energy Outlook (2010/11 to 2025/26) Executive Summary Pakistan’s energy sector is in a state of crisis and over the past few years has negatively impacted the social and economic development of the country. 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The threat of terrorism which existed prior to 9/11 got accentuated and transformed into a potent, dynamic and multi-dimensional phenomenon. As of today, few countries in the world are threatened by such diverse forms and manifestations of terrorism as we are; both in the present and futuristic context. There are external influences and there are internal dissentions. While the vested interests of the regional and global players denote one facet, the socio-political fault linesRead MoreSupply And Demand Scenario Of Electricity1465 Words  | 6 PagesConsidering the economic potential and demographic changes, it is projected that electricity shortage will rise to 8000 MW in 2017 and over 13,000 MW in 2020, more than double to the current state of energy (Komal Abbas, 2015; Kessides, 2013). 5.3: Lack of Political Will, Wrong Priorities The energy demand in Pakistan has grown massively, but investment reduced over the years and funds were spent inappropriately. A study by Khan (2015) states, considering the high energy consumption, the powerRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Women Essay1691 Words  | 7 Pagesagainst women both a public health problem and a violation of human rights. Violence against women is of many types and has many faces. Also called Gender-based violence, public health experts around the world have called it the â€Å"Hidden Epidemic†. (ref) Violence against women is an age-old practice but it was only in the last decade of the 20th century that it got recognition as a serious human rights issue. Violence is broadly classified into two categories: Social violence that occurs in publicRead MoreList of Important Topics for Essays1583 Words  | 7 Pagesformatted. 01. Dilemma of the water and energy crisis in Pakistan (2003) 02. Art critics and reviewers (2003) 03. Alleviation of poverty (2005) 04. Persecuted poor women (2005) 05. Foreign direct investment (F.D.I) in Pakistan (2006) 06. Global warming (2006) 07. Personalization of Pakistani politics (2006) 08. Formal and casual dressing codes (2003) 09. Liberalism (2006) 10. Existentialism (2003) 11. Socio-economic challenges faced by Pakistan (2005) 12. Islam versus the west (2005) 13. InternationalRead MoreInternational Relations Concepts1059 Words  | 4 Pagesstudy of international relations pertains to the understanding of the rules of engagement between the sovereign states. This study falls under the domain of political science and international law studies. Based on the study of international relations, an individual gets an insight into the foreign policies of a government, the political dynamics that are prevalent in a region and overall global events awareness. It also enables understanding the entities of intergovernmental organizations. Understanding
Friday, December 20, 2019
Utilitarianism The Morally Right Action - 1194 Words
Tulasha Thapa Final Paper Utilitarianism Utilitarianism states, â€Å"The morally right action is determined by the consequences of the action, not the motives of the agent†. Utilitarianisms consider happiness to be the foundation of morality. The famous version, â€Å"act utilitarianism,†says the morally right action is the one that brings about the greatest consequence of the greatest number of people. Mill thought it was obvious that everyone ultimately wants to be happy, so he made this the foundation of his moral philosophy. Mill notice that people were literally defining utility as the opposite of pleasure and not understanding the complete purpose of utilitarianism. Whereas, utility is defined, â€Å"As pleasure itself together with freedom from†¦show more content†¦According to the article written by Nordqvist, Christian Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. In medical news today, the English medical word â€Å"euthanasia†originates from the Greek word eu meaning â€Å"good,†and t he Greek word thanatos meaning â€Å"death .†He also points out that, â€Å"Euthanasia†is commonly known as assisted suicide by medical professionals, or an intentionally ending individual life to minimize overall suffering or pain. In the UK, it is illegal for anybody to practice euthanasia. It does not matter how bad the situation is, no one can end one’s life in order to get rid of pain. In the majority of countries euthanasia is against the law. But in the United States, law varies in different states. In some states it is legal for euthanasia and in some it is illegal. Additionally, it is mentioned â€Å"Thomas More (1478-1535) who was recognized as a saint within the Catholic Church, once thought a utopian community as one that would facilitate the death of those people whose lives had become burden due to severe pain .†Moreover, it is been said that euthanasia remains as one of the debate topics in many countries, including: USA, Canada, and Wes tern Europe since 1800s and in 1828, an anti-euthanasia law was passed in the NY state. According to The New York Times John T. Noonan, federal judge wrote numerous opinions about the issues like assisted suicide, died in the age of 90. â€Å"That opinion was mostly based on the issueShow MoreRelatedEssay about Using Utilitarianism to Address Abortion1286 Words  | 6 PagesIn this paper, I will be defining act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism, use both standpoints from a rule utilitarian and an act utilitarian to decipher their responses to abortion, and investigate both claims to come to a conclusion if or if not utilitarianism is adequate enough argument to address abortion. First the definition of utilitarianism is, â€Å"An act is morally right if and only if it does more to improve overall happiness than any available alternative†(Farley). Overall happinessRead MoreIn Intro to Ethics, we have discussed each moral theory in the context of how the theories dealt1000 Words  | 4 PagesIntro to Ethics, we have discussed each moral theory in the context of how the theories dealt with the theory of right conduct and with the deontic status the action had. When we looked at how each theory we talked about dealt with deontic status, we looked at how the actions were right or wrong. The main theories we looked at this semester that dealt with right conduct were utilitarianism, Kant’s moral theory, and virtue ethics. Although each of these moral theories has its own flaws, I believe thatRead MoreJames Liang And The Volkswagen Emission Scandal Essay1314 Words  | 6 Pagesethics and rule utilitarianism, and focus on analyzing the moral im plications of Liang’s actions in reference to these moral theories. Kantian duty ethics, also known as deontology, is based on a few key principles: first, that an act is morally valuable if the will is perfectly aligned with duty; second, that the responsibilities of duty are imposed on all rational beings and are universal; third, that morality is based on the purity of one’s will, i.e. the consequences of an action are irrelevantRead MoreCultural Relativism : A Moral Theory1676 Words  | 7 Pagesdirect any political, economic, or cultural activities. Their role was mainly to cook and take care of the children. For many of us this is not morally correct since most of us in western societies consider that women should have the same rights as men have. However, according to cultural relativism the ideals of the Patriarchal society wouldn t be morally wrong since morality is relative to what each society considers it s guiding ideals, even if that includes the discrimination of women. CulturalRead MoreThe Ethical Theory Of Utilitarianism912 Words  | 4 PagesUtilitarianism is just one of many ethical theories used and studied in the world that we live in today. Many people would choose to disagree with the ideals that this theory embodies, but before someone chooses to disagree with it, they should know more about the theory instead of judging a book by its cover. In the theory of Utilitarianism, it is believed that an action that is morally right will bear the most favorable balance between good and bad, and that is when everyone’s interest is takenRead MoreEssay about Utilitarianism785 Words  | 4 PagesUtilitarianism What is Utilitarianism? Utilitarianism is a philosophical concept that holds an action to be held right if it tends to promote happiness for the greatest number of people. Utilitarians define the morally right actions as those actions that maximize some non-moral good or happiness and minimize some non-moral evil. Pleasure is an example of a non-moral good and pain is an example of a non- moral evil. A utilitarian will fous on the consequences of an act rather than on the intristicRead MoreHappiness And Happiness1736 Words  | 7 Pagesmake the decision if it’s morally right or wrong. This is where many types of utilitarian has emerged but the 3 time period will be addressed: Historical utilitarianism, Classical utilitarianism, and Modern utilitarianism. They are very similar but have important miniscule differences in them that separates them from each other but overall share the same concept of happiness. Key words:Utilitarianism, Modern utilitarianism, Classical Utilitarianism, Act/Rule utilitarianism, Jeremy Bentham, John StuartRead MoreUtilitarianism, By Jeremy Bentham And John Stuart Mill1678 Words  | 7 PagesUtilitarianism is an ethical theory that claims one is morally right when an action serves the ultimate interest of bringing about the most overall happiness. Any action that produces less happiness than an available alternative is not morally just. In fact, any action that produces pain, as opposed to pleasure, is considered unjust. Whether an action is right or wrong is independent of the intentions of the person committing the action. An act is right in virtue of its actual results, not its expectedRead MoreConsequentialism And Consequentialism : Virtue Ethics, Consequentialism, And Deontology1200 Words  | 5 Pagesprescribe rules on what people ought to do based on various criteria such as obligation, human rights, and virtue. More precisely, it is a development and establishment of one’s moral principle. And under the normative ethics, there are three categories of ethical frameworks: virtue ethics, consequentialism, and deontology. In this essay, I will more concentrate on consequentialism, especially utilitarianism, and deontology to make compare and contrast analysis of each other and how each case worksRead MoreThe Principle Of Utility, And Hedonic Calculus905 Words  | 4 Pagesact or rule utilitarianism is superior and why. I will begin by defining important terms like utilitarianism, the principle of utility, and hedonic calculus. Then I will move on to defining act utilitarianism and its strengths and weaknesses. I will then do the same with rule utilitarianism. I will argue that rule is superior to act, in the sense that it is more relevant to society as a whole, and it has more benefits for society. Rule utilitarianism is superior to act utilitarianism because it
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Philip Larkins poem, Church Going Essay Example For Students
Philip Larkins poem, Church Going Essay In Philip Larkins poem, Church Going, Mr. Larkin depicts the confusion of an individual, the persona, who is compelled to enter the churches he sees on his bicycle rides. His problem is, that every time he comes away feeling as if he has wasted his time. Larkin uses the persona to describe his feelings toward religion. The persona is split between two ideas of religion. The holy, ceremonious, view the church takes, versus the belief in the pure spirituality. The persona although drawn to the church seems to be mocking it once inside. His descriptions of the hymnals as little books, and the altar as the holy end, demean the sanctity of the church. Ironically, he doesnt think twice about removing his cycle clips in place of his hat to show his reverence. This acts show that for some reason the persona has some respect for at least a part of the church. Larkin uses irony in this situation possibly to depict how the personas manner at Church has been drilled into his head, most likeliy as a child. The reason he is conflicted is because he grew- up under certain ideals, and although his views may have changed, he cant break his old habits. The act that epitomizes his confusion is when he drops the Irish sixpence in the collection box. He continues his old habit, while he also mocks the church by contributing what is essentially nothing but a circular piece of metal. Drawing on conclusions reached from one of Larkins other poems, Aubade, one can see that Larkin perceives religion as a vast moth eaten brocade, or in simplier terms, a covering with no inside, much like a twinkie with no creamy filling. He thinks of religion as a phony created to protect man from realizing their true fate. Knowing the prior knowledge one can comprehend that the persona, like Larkin believes that the phoniness will eventually be understood by all the people and the parishoners will slowly disapear until the idea of Sunday mass is a memory of long ago. However the persona feels that there is something special about the church something greater than the decorations,something on the spiritual level.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Negative Feedback Is Often Seen As Criticism †
Question: Discuss about the Negative Feedback Is Often Seen As Criticism And Most People Do Not React Well To Criticism. Answer: In order to ensure success in life, it is highly essential for every individual, to be aware of his own flaws as well as competence, so that one can accomplish success in life. It is not enough for an individual to invest all his time and energy in a piece of work, but it is equally important to assess ones knowledge and capability. This assessment is possible only with the help of feedback from a second person, who either helps one realize his unique attributes that can aid him in success, or makes him aware of the flaws that he needs to overcome (Doyle et al. 2013). While any form of feedback, positive or negative, should be used in a constructive sense, most of the people tend to get infuriated and repulsed by any form of negative feedback. The problem with negative feedback is that it is often confused with destructive criticism. However, both do not imply the same thing. On the one hand, destructive criticism refers to the extremely malicious and hurtful comment made by a person to abuse or humiliate another person. The motive of such criticism is only to hurl abuses on another person and to hurt him. On the other hand, as far as negative feedback is concerned, it should be noted that the ulterior motive of the speaker is not to hurt the sentiment of an individual, but rather to encourage him to perform better in future. Thus, unlike the former, any form of negative feedback essentially helps in improving the performance of an individual, helping him realize all his potentialities, and accomplish greater success in future. While a man engaging in destructive criticism will tend to tell his employee- You are a fool, you can never meet production target in future!. On the other hand, a person trying to provide negative feedback to his employee will say I am sure you can do better. This time you could not meet your target, and we believe you will meet the same in the next month. The latter clearly shows signs of encouragement, and the employee should feel motivated to perform better, rather than getting offended (Brookhart 2017). This is the reason one should not treat any negative feedback to be negative in the literal sense. However, on the other hand, it is important to consider the question, why do people, receiving negative feedback tend to get disheartened and offended by negative feedbacks. It should be remembered that any form of feedback is feedback, and that the ultimate aim of any feedback, be it positive or negative, is to enlighten an individual about his present state of performance, so that h can improve the same in future. However, most often, the people feel that the person providing negative feedback is trying to undermine his potentiality or question his ability (Brem et al. 2014). Hence, the person receiving the feedback, tends to get defensive about his own ability and tries to shut away himself from any feedback that tends to shatter his confidence. However, negative feedback is not at all equivalent to criticism, as unlike the latter, the former does not simply undermine the ability of the person, but rather informs him about his performance level. Hence, negative feedback provided i n the right time should be motivating to the receiver. However, it can be argued back that one of the chief reasons why negative feedback is often treated synonymously with criticism is because of the wrong attitude of the person who gives the feedback. It is indeed a pity that most people do not know the art of providing negative feedback. Often people get aggressive while providing the negative feedback, which can discourage the other person, and dampen his self-confidence (Boud and Molloy 2013). Hence, it is important to respect the sentiment of the opposite person, and choose words discreetly, so that the listener does not get de-motivated, but rather energized to accomplish more. If the boss calls his employee and offers a negative feedback that goes like- You are a total failure! How could you not meet your targets!, it is quite natural for the employee to consider the feedback to be a criticism only. The employee is bound to feel that the boss is judging his professional abil ity on the basis of a single performance. However, it should be argued back any form of feedback should be considered to be equally acceptable. On the one hand, when the boss of an employee calls him provides him a positive feedback, saying- You did incredibly well, the employee feels motivated. On the other hand, when the same boss calls him and provides him negative feedback, saying Here is where you have gone wrong, the same employee feels discouraged. However, the ulterior purpose behind both the kinds of feedback was the same- to improve the employee performance. While the positive feedback intended to help the employee realize the importance of staying committed to work, enhancing both confidence as well as performance, the negative feedback aims to inform the employee the areas where he would require to put in extra effort. Thus, in both the cases, the ultimate purpose of the feedback remains the same- to inform and enlighten the listener about his performance and ensure his future improvement. When a feedback is be ing given on the performance of a person, it clearly suggests that the performance of the action has been properly monitored and critically evaluated (Wooten and Ulrich 2017). This is the sole reason why any and every kind of feedback should be welcome. It is also important to note in this connection, that any form of positive feedback helps one to stay optimistic as well as feel more at ease with the challenges one is encountering, and yet this is somethingthat novicesneed (DiSanza and Legge 2016). Feedback, even the negative ones, thus, helps one to be aware of his flaws, rather than simply criticizing him. On the other hand, when one becomes anexpert, and he is already more or less aware of what he is doing, it is only negative feedback that can help him do what it takes him to accomplish more. It is indeed a regrettable fact that usually negative feedback has a dramatic impact on the motivation of the listener, while he should be more accepting of the same. However, at the same time, much focus should also be given on how the feedback is being communicated to the listener. The feedback provider should not employ the use of abusive words, nor should he forget to leave behind a piece of good advice at the end of the feedback is being given. This will help the listeners, especially the novices, remain optimistic about their capabilities. Any kind of feedback helps a person improve his performance and evolve himself for a better future. References: Boud, D. and Molloy, E. eds., 2013.Feedback in higher and professional education: understanding it and doing it well. Routledge. Brem, B., Schnueriger, N., Hemmi, M., Caspar, F., Schnabel, K. and Woermann, U., 2014. Quality assurance of simulated patient feedback in communication training for fourth-year medical students. Brookhart, S.M., 2017.How to give effective feedback to your students. ASCD. DiSanza, J.R. and Legge, N.J., 2016.Business and professional communication: Plans, processes, and performance. Pearson. Doyle, J.C., Francis, B.A. and Tannenbaum, A.R., 2013.Feedback control theory. Courier Corporation. Wooten, J.O. and Ulrich, K.T., 2017. Idea generation and the role of feedback: Evidence from field experiments with innovation tournaments.Production and Operations Management,26(1), pp.80-99.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
How an Artist or Group of Artists Was Influenced free essay sample
How an Artist or Group of Artists Was Influenced by the Social, Political or Historical Events Around Them. BY cascaded How an artist or group of artists was influenced by the social, political or historical events around them. Introduction. * Why this particular artist/group of artists is is of personal interest to you and what specifically will you be looking at? * How will you go about this study? It is suggested that you find three works by your chosen artist that will strongly illustrate the points you wish to make. If the social, political or historical event affects change in the work of your artist/group of artists then it is advised that you select three artworks the first of which is done prior to any influence. This will allow you to discuss the changes that this influence brought about. 1 2001 A brief summary of your artist/ group of artists. * Provide some general information about your artist/ artists. We will write a custom essay sample on How an Artist or Group of Artists Was Influenced or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (Do not include a lot of factual detail about their life) * What is particular about the style/approach of your chosen artist/artists? Discuss themes, style, techniques, etc. Are these different to other artists of the time? If so why is this the case? * Does the artist belong to an artistic movement? If so provide information about that movement. * How is your chosen focus represented generally in their work? Does the artist have a particular vision, concept or idea that they wish to communicate? * Demonstrate an understanding of any cultural context. Discuss the influence of natural, social, political or cultural environments that are appropriate, or as is more common the influence of other artists making clear links between their work and that of your chosen artist/ artists. 00 | An analysis of the first piece of work by your chosen artist or group of artists. * What is the title of the work? What materials media have been used to make it? When was it created? What is the scale of the work? How is the composition/ structure put together? How is shape, form, line texture color, space, tone used? How do the visual elements interact, relate, contrast, balance and connect with one another? * Make personal comments about how you feel materials, processes (the way in which the artist works), stylistic influences, censuses (use of media) are used in the making of this artwork. This might include analysis of the way an artist has applied paint to a canvas (mark-making, brush strokes), the sequence of building up layers of paint over a prepared ground, or the sequence of events involved in creating a sculpture from conceptual sketches, development of ideas to construction. Emphasis should be placed on your particular area of study and how the chosen work develops this theme. * Demonstrate an understanding of cultural context if relevant. This is an understanding that the artist as not created the work in isolation, but rather creates work that is shaped and influenced by the circumstances in which they find themselves. This might mean that discussion of the influence of natural, social, political or cultural environments is appropriate, or that as is more common the influence of other artists is discussed, Witt comparisons made between artwork that NAS been created in similar or tittering contexts. * How effective do you think the work is in conveying the artists intent?
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The Special Interest And Niche Tourism Tourism Essay Essays
The Special Interest And Niche Tourism Tourism Essay Essays The Special Interest And Niche Tourism Tourism Essay Paper The Special Interest And Niche Tourism Tourism Essay Paper There is now a immense assortment of particular involvement vacations offered all over the universe may it be game runing in Africa, skiing in the Alps or chopper drives over the Alps, due to the increasing diverseness of leisure, cultural and other particular involvement and niche merchandises Tourists now no longer desire to be portion of the mass touristry, now they want to happen their ain niche and optical experiences. Tourism ingestion forms and the growing of particular involvement are thought to reflect the turning diverseness of leisure involvements of the late modern society ( Douglas, Douglas, A ; Derret 2001 ) The crisis of the touristry industry is a crisis of mass Tourism ( Poon 1993 ) in the past mass marketed bundle vacations where sold to the old Tourists who where as Poon describes Homogenous nevertheless Tourism has developed and broadened into of all time altering markets over the old ages, late the emerging markets of particular involvement and niche Tourism have slowly crept in and are altering consumer wonts from the mass market which Poon 1993 defines as Tourism as a big graduated table Phenomenon, packaging and merchandising standardized leisure services at fixed monetary values to a mass patronage To New tourers who want to separate and distinguish themselves from the crowd the assignment will be looking into the altering consumer wonts and how the developing markets of mass touristry and particular involvement can run into and maintain up with altering touristry gustatory sensations and demands, whilst turn toing issues such as sustainability. The touristry industry is farther more presuming the individuality of non the vacation experience but the experience industry. The construct of particular involvement and Niche Tourism Particular involvement touristry has been one of the drive forces behind the development of touristry, as it has allowed a immense merchandise scope which has expanded from a little market to now mainstream in the public sphere as the phrase particular involvement can be found on most operators web sites, these include topics such as Gastronomy, escapade, vino, art, heritage, civilization etc who cater these topics and more all around the Earth to the particular involvement market which is of all time more expanding, However the term niche market is frequently considered precisely the same as particular involvement, nevertheless operators use the term to aim a much smaller and focused portion of the overall larger particular involvement market, for illustration Nature touristry, adventure touristry, athletics touristry and cultural touristry where marketed at a homogeneous group of the market nevertheless it is still considered particular involvement. nevertheless sub classs within the larger particular involvement market e.g. Bird watching can be considered Niche as it is a targeted bomber sector within the whole wide scope of Nature Tourism ( Douglas et al. , 2001 ; Morgan and Pritchard 1999 ) province It is now evident that operators have diversified their offerings to pull the big market section of the soft or novice terminal of the spectrum, either based on their ain expertness within the field of particular involvement or their consciousness of the turning latent and outstanding consumer demand It is frequently acknowledged that it is really hard to specifically specify particular involvement and niche Tourism as is the instance of specifying touristry itself ; many research workers have many fluctuations of what defines the class nevertheless ( Butler etal ; Weiler ( 1992 ) province Travellers motive and determination devising are chiefly determined by a peculiar particular involvement with a focal point either on activities, finishs and scenes This quotation mark above suggests that tourers who are interested in particular involvement and niche touristry are motivated to develop or indulge an involvement or avocation. Another statement which has been brought up within particular involvement touristry is that it is the antonym of Mass as it does concentrate on new signifiers of tourers that have the potency of run intoing the demands of both them and the hosts. It has been recognised that the term particular involvement touristry is comprised of two major factors the first being of class particular involvement which suggests a certain demand which needs to be considered which related to the leisure context and secondly touristry which fundamentally commercialises particular involvement to the public therefore making the New Tourist which Poon ( 1997 ) describes as New Tourism is a big graduated table packaging of a non- standardized leisure service New tourers portion a concern for development whilst taking involvement and seeking to avoid the environmental, economic and socio cultural impacts of touristry. This suggests a nexus between new signifiers of touristry and sustainability. Entreaty and motive of particular interest/niche touristry Particular involvement vacations are designed for tourists who want to prosecute their involvement in a peculiar activity or topic may it be winetasting, cruising or trekking the Himalayas, the entreaty and motive for these types of vacations have soured over recent old ages due to the fact that people now want to separate themselves, However late due to factors such as the economic downswing and planetary heating Green Tourism which is classed as particular involvement has taken case in point in people s heads. Old tourers where homogeneous and predictable. They felt secure when going in Numberss and took holidaies where everything was pre paid and pre arranged, nevertheless the new tourer emerging are self-generated and unpredictable, they want to be different from the crowd whilst asseverating their individualism, New Tourists go out to see something different, which will farther more validate their individualism which is what particular involvement and niche touristry do so good in as it allows Tourists to be able to distinguish themselves from the mass doing them believe they are acquiring a better quality of life and flight from modern-day and Homogenous activities which in bend promotes self deserving and credence, farther more the particular involvement markets are appealing to tourers sense of find and demand to experience single whilst still being in rebelliousness over aggregate Tourism merchandises. Harmonizing to surveies of leisure and touristry motives people by and large picked to take part in recreational activities to fulfill their multiple gustatory sensations, demands and desires ( Ryan, 2003 ) . Furthermore in the instance of particular involvement touristry, this can associate to people who influence and actively partake in their chosen particular involvement or avocation within travel and touristry Economic, Cultural and Environmental Sustainability Mass touristry over the old ages has been believed to be the chief cause of many jobs, which are going much more apparent after every passing twelvemonth for illustration factors such as environmental, societal and cultural debasement, spme instances have taken countrywide precedency for illustration the province of the Mediterranean sea and the devastation of the coral reef which can non be replaced, nevertheless signifiers of new touristry such as particular involvement and niche tourers are seeking to work out the jobs of mass touristry, nevertheless jobs such as litter along the Nepalese mountain paths and perturbation in wildlife in Kenyan campaign Tourss lead many research workers to propose that it is non merely the mass touristry who cause the jobs but that the niche and smaller groups of touristry besides contribute to the job factors such as the turning rise of the sophisticated tourer who are more cognizant and are willing to take part in travel. However it is besides know n that new touristry go in tangent with the rise in mass touristry, which at times has been believed to be used as an alibi. As mainstream touristry industry has in fact simply tried to contrive a new statute law for itself- the sustainable and rational usage of the environment, including the saving of nature as an agreeableness for the already advantaged ( Fernandez 1994 ; Munt 1995 ) Alternate touristry has emerged concerns for the bringing of sustainable Tourism ( Douglas 2001 ) The shared societal or cultural universes of the travelers can act upon the positive and negative perceptual experience of an experience ( Arnould, Price A ; Tierney, 1998 ) My personal definition of sustainable touristry is that it is touristry that commits to doing every bit small impact on factors such as environmental, economical and civilization whilst it tries to assist in footings of making employment in the local country whilst conserving local traditions and landmarks which in bend will guarantee it brings economical wellness and a positive experience for the local people and tourers whilst in bend guaranting the protection of civilization and natural resources. Sustainable touristry means touristry which is economically feasible but does non destruct resources on which the hereafter of touristry will depend, notably the physical environment and the societal cloth of the host communities. ( J. Swarbrooke 1998 ) However there is considerable argument about what defines sustainable touristry and how it is achieved. For illustration research workers have questioned the construct of sustainable touristry for illustration ( Coccossis, 1996 ; Stabler, 1997 ) noted every bit early as 1996 that the treatment of sustainable touristry is frequently restricted to an analysis of how to guarantee the continuity of touristry by understating negative impacts. In other words, it could be suggested that the construct of sustainable touristry is much more about the continuity of touristry than it is about the part of touristry to sustainable results The citations above define sustainable touristry nevertheless this assignment will travel further in deepness to look at how particular involvement and niche touristry can assist or impede finishs sustainability. Sustainability within particular involvement touristry has raised many issues and treatments both positive and negative ( Doxey 1976 ) describes the altering attitudes of the host state as aggregate touristry additions, it starts at euphory and ends in hostility However touristry and particular involvement touristry will at foremost assist a state economically whilst besides leting the sharing of civilization and heritage nevertheless in the terminal niche and particular involvement touristry finishs will acquire more and more popular therefore taking to hostility as locals believe Tourists to be the cause of jobs such as lessened local civilization, heritage and resources being cheapened for mass selling. The so called Demonstration Effect which is the acceptance by local occupants, particularly immature people, to copy tourist behavior and ingestion forms ( Rivers 1973 ) This Position can be used to endorse up Martin Mowforth ; etal Munt who province It is frequently argued that bing signifiers of touristry development are unsuitable in footings of the negative impacts on the environment, the manner it corrupts and barstadises the local civilizations These Two points go in tangent really good as they both describe how they feel that Tourism can be negative sociologically and economically as Rivers suggestion of the presentation consequence can be used in overview of the economical consequence on a community, For illustration it can take to people populating beyond their agencies therefore making an economic drain. So fundamentally what is being said is that now niche and particular involvement touristry are more and more popular, nevertheless due to these factors such as economic, civilization and environment semen into drama, as seen above many local civilizations have embraced the incoming touristry, sharing their civilizations and traditions. New signifiers of touristry have been coined by professionals as Academic, escapade, alternate, green and even self-importance. Decision In decision the up rise in niche and particular involvement touristry among the New tourers have led to more understanding in prolonging local traditions, civilization and environmental elements, Further more the assignment highlights the fact that many tourers are now traveling to particular involvement and niche touristry to do them more single due to the rise of intellectuals and professionals. However due to this survey intellectuals are on the rise significance that particular involvement and niche touristry may be a batch less than the mass now but who knows how far the development of touristry in these countries will develop in the hereafter, the new many become the mass!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Economy of California During World War II Essay
Economy of California During World War II - Essay Example This paper illustrates that one of the major events for the nation of America during the period of 20th century was the entry to regions of the Pacific Coast as a major area for economic development. During the period of 1900 and 1980 the total percentage of population of the Western States of America increased almost five times from 3.2% of total population to 15.5% of total population. The growth rate of personal income earned by the population of the Far Western regions even tripled from 5.3% to 17.4%. By the period of 1980 the areas located in the urban centers of Pacific Coast gained recognition as being important for technological advancements. Historians believe that the major developments and economic growth achieved by these regions especially by California was due to their experience of the World War II. According to Gerald Nash, a famous historian, the economic development of the Western regions was increasing and the economic development of states located in the Pacific r egions started increasing during the period of war. He further stated that the regions of the Pacific areas that were experiencing stagnant and slow increase in economic development started enjoying increased pace of economic development. There are very few criticizers who claim that West did not experience economic growth and expansion during the era of the ending period of 1940s. Mostly historians support the idea that West developed by a great deal during that era. During this period a large number of people started moving towards west in order to gain employment in the field of aircraft and ship manufacturing. The military institutes located in this region were home to several soldiers and shipmen who were engaged in the war. During a period of only five years from 1940 to 1945 the total population of the area increased by 25%. The main reason due to which the area was gaining tremendous amount of growth was that they were spending very heavily on military purposes. Rhode believ es that the major reason due to which the airplane industry of the region of California flourished was that they were assigned various contracts from the defense sector before the war actually started (Chan and Spencer, 1997, p.308). Nash stated that due to the war major changes were experienced by the West, in the areas of population, relations and economy and this period altered the West from an underdeveloped region to a developed one (Chan and Spencer, 1997, p.308). During the same 5 years period the Far Western regions of America obtained billions of dollars in the shape of funding for war purposes. During 1943 when the expenditure ion military purposes reached its peak, policy makers started fearing that after the war huge number of job; losses will take place in the region of West. According to policy makers of California, a total of 1 million jobs were to be lost out of a total workforce of 4 million within a year after the end of war. Due to this policy makers started to ma ke plans in order to help those who were expected to lose their jobs after the war. Many changes did not take place and expectations made by the policy makers did not come out to be true as heavy amount of job losses did not occur nor did many migrant workers not leave the Western regions. Economic development started taking place as a huge number manufacturing organizations started to operate on national level and operations started to expand. Those who were employed in military related jobs started filling civilian jobs. During the period, fields such as schooling, housing the service sector were not given much importance, but after the war these developments started taking place and this led to increase in number of jobs in the areas of construction and other services. This paper will discuss that West and especially California experienced economic growth during and after the World War II. Body War and Economy Undoubtedly the engagement of US in World War II led to the nation exp eriencing a boom in economy,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Computer, Programming,signal Processing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Computer, Programming,signal Processing - Essay Example It is found that various current sources in the human brain are capable to respond against similar EEG. The forward problem and the inverse problem can be diagrammatically represented with the help of source model having current dipole capable to develop neural currents which are always found localized in small regions. The electroencephalogram system consists of some connecting devices which are meant to connect with both the scalp of the individual and personal computer. The process taking place in the brain is reflected over the surface of the scalp. This is the reason why electrodes and connections are provided on the scalp. Then electrode paste is applied on the scalp and after that electrodes are placed on them. The scalp provides information to the small box attached to the computer system and the whole device after processing the information sent back to the user. Numerous neurological wave patterns can be collected with the help of this EEG system. These electrical wave patterns developing inside the brain are reflected at the scalp region. These reflections are passed in to the storage unit of the computer and the electrodes kept on the scalp region send signals of voltage variations to the amplifier. The success of this technology mainly depends on the positioning and developing contact with the electrodes. Due to this reason electrodes of highly conductive materials like gold or silver chloride are normally employed. Actually the discovery of electrical wave pattern from the brain has taken place only hundred years back and this led to the application process of Brain computer Interface. EEG is a special type of communication media between men and machines which is performed by employing the influence of electronic signals on current sources in human brain. The system of communication by means of electronic signals is termed as Brain Computer Interface. This is
Monday, November 18, 2019
Crash Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Crash - Movie Review Example From this paper it is clear that the Character of Persian delivery man is also subjected to racism due to his profession of a domestic worker. Even Cameron and Christine a well off black couple faces racism. According to â€Å"Cameron and Christine are a black well off couple. They experience stereotyping and racism when they are driving home from a party†. On the way, they were harassed by a white police officer who ran fingers on Christine’s body and Cameron felt helpless. Also Farad a Muslim shop owner in the movie faces discrimination as he is Muslim and it was a time prior to 9/11 terrorist attack.Also Graham, a black police officer with Hispanic woman called Rita tells his mom that he is with white woman which makes her angry.This study outlines that the discrimination due to class is also evident in the movie. Jean being a woman from upper class looks down upon all minorities. She looks at blacks strangely and shows offensive attitude as she walks down the street . We can see that she also acts badly to her maid servant who is black. Even with Mexican locksmith who was Hispanic she reacted in an offending manner. She blamed the locksmith for being a gang member and a potential threat. Also the shop owner Farhad who is from a working class has to live in a neighborhood with no security where his daughter was almost shot. The movie depicts that whites are superior class and this can be evident in the scene where the white producer tells the black actor to act dumb to make him look more like a black man.... As per ( Blunt) â€Å"Because this is a movie about connections, some of the most painful moments in Crash show classism and racism supporting each other in people's personal lives†. The movie depicts that whites are superior class and this can be evident in the scene where the white producer tells the black actor to act dumb to make him look more like a black man. The movie also shows the distinction between the rich and poor class. Here in the movie, Jean and her husband are rich and afford luxurious car but poor farhad a shop owner is struggling to live in a scary neighborhood. He keeps a gun to save himself from Hispanics and blacks. Also the movie shows, the Chinese slaves who are imported to US. So in the movie there is upper class, middle class and even slaves. Gender roles are also portrayed in many scenes along the movie. In the beginning , when Jean and husband are walking on the street and when she finds two black men coming towards them, Jean hold on to her husband which shows the traditional role of male as a protector. Although he is not armed, society’s traditional view is depicted in the movie where a man is a protector and women in need of protection. Another example is where, Jean and husband in career with traditional gender role notion. Rick, the husband is an Attorney while she remains a housewife. Here, the roles reinforces male as a â€Å"breadwinner†and woman as a â€Å"domestic†. Another scene which showcases gender roles is when Cameron and Christine are stopped by the police while driving home. Here there is depiction of male versus female struggle which is much obvious in the society. The female is sexually assaulted by Ryan, a police officer while her husband watches helplessly. Although, this instance has racism, the gender
Friday, November 15, 2019
Product Has No Close Substitutes Economics Essay
Product Has No Close Substitutes Economics Essay Microeconomics is the study of individual economic units where we will use it in our daily lives.We will learn how to manage our money wisely so that we will be able to understand the economic concepts and theories.Besides that,we can also learn basic economics and have a better understanding of the economics of the market place. 2.0 Definition of monopoly According to Hashim, A. (2001) Comprehensive Economics Guide. 2nd ed. Singapore: Oxford University Press Pte Ltd, p.84, Monopoly is an industry composed of a single seller of a product with no substitutes and with high barries to entry.A monopoly power exists when a single firm controls more than 25% of a market. 3.0 Characteristics of monopoly 3.1 One seller and a large number of buyers 3.1.1 A monopoly exists when there is only one seller of a product.For example, The Tenaga Nasional Berhad(TNB) has a monopoly of the electricity supply of Peninsular Malaysia.All houses and shops who get supply from Tenaga Nasional Berhad(TNB) will need to pay their electricity bill. 3.2 Product has no close substitutes 3.2.1 The product sold by a monopolist should be no close substitutes.There are no other electricity supplier in Malaysia.There is only one supplier which is the Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB).There is no competition for their product.In Peninsular Malaysia,only Tenaga Nasional Berhad(TNB) supplies electricity to the country. 3.3 Price maker 3.3.1 In a perfect competition,there will be no single firm can influence the price and this is called price taker.The Tenaga Nasional Berhad(TNB) will have the power to decide and control the price in the market since there are no competitors around. 3.4 Restriction on the entry of new firms 3.4.1 In a monopoly market,there will be strict barriers to the entry of new firms and the barriers of entry are natural.A monopolist faces no competition because of barriers to entry. 3.5 Advertising AAdvertising in a monopoly market depends on the products sold.If the product are luxury goods such as imported items then the monopoly will need some advertisement to promote the consumers on the goods.Local public utility such as the electricity by Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) need no advertisement since the consumers know from where to obtain such goods and they are the only corporation who supplies electricity. 4.0 Introduction 5.0 Differentiation of the features of the four market structures Type of market Number of firms Freedom of entry Nature of product Examples Implication of demand curve for firm Perfect Competition Very many Unrestricted Homogeneous (undifferentiated) Cabbages,carrots(these approximate to perfect competition) Horizontal.The firm is a price taker Monopolistic competition Many/ several Unrestricted Differentiated Builders,restaurants Downward sloping,but relatively elastic.The firm has some control over price. Oligopoly Few Restricted 1.Undifferentiated or 2.Differentiated 1.Cement 2. Cars,electrical appliances Downward sloping,relatively inelastic but depends on reactions of rival to a price change Monopoly One Restricted or completely blocked Unique Many prescription of drugs, local water company Downward sloping,more inelastic than oligopoly.The firm has considerable control over price. 5.1 Number of firms 5.1.1 The perfect competition has large number of buyers and sellers.Firms are price taker because the quantity of a single seller sells in a market is so small compared to the overall industry.Besides that,the price is always constant where the seller can only decide the quantity to be sold and not the price of selling of a product.An example of the perfect competition is the duck producers.The price of the duck in the market is still depends on the demand and supply.The sellers can never control the price of the duck in the market even if they have high production,it will not affect much in that industry. 5.1.2 In a monopolistic competition,there are a large number of sellers.The number of firms exist in a monopolistic competition market is less than perfect competition.Due to the size of each firm which is small and hence,no individual firm can influence or control the market price.Therefore,each firm follows an independent price-output policy.The firm that produces toothpaste is in the monopolistic competition where there are many brands of toothpaste in Malaysia such as Darlie,Colgate and Polleney.They can never influence or control the price in of their products in the market. 5.1.3 In an oligopoly,the number of firms is small but the size of the firms is large.The market share of each firm is large enough to dominate the market.A few firms control the overall industry of an oligopoly.For example the petroleum companies namely Shell,BHP,Caltex.They are large firms who have market shares which able to dominate the market. 5.1.4 Under monopoly,there is only one seller of a product and large number of buyers exist.A monopolist is a price maker since there is only one seller and no competitor and it has the power to control the price in the market.One of the examples of a monopoly is the Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) where their company supplies electricity for the whole Peninsular Malaysia. 5.2 Freedom of Entry 5.2.1 There is unrestricted freedom of entry and exit of the firms from the industry in the perfect competition and the monopolistic competition.A firm can easily enter the market and exit the market anytime they wish to.No restriction is imposed.If any firm who wish to open a fruit farms and operate the business if he/she has the necessary factors of production ( land,labour and capital) he/she can always starts the business even there is a lot of fruit farms exist. 5.2.2 In an oligopoly market,there are various barriers to entry.Although similar to a monopoly,the firms in an oligopoly will restrict new firms to enter the market.The types of barriers to entry are economies of scale,forces to merge,ownership of patents and copyrights to name a few.This can be illustrated briefly by the petroleum industry in Malaysia where Mobil,Shell,Petronas and Caltex which already exist in the market and they control the market.The chances for a new firm to be formed in the petroleum industry in Malaysia is very low due to the huge capital investment that they need to have a position in the market. 5.2.3 Under the monopoly market,there will be restricted freedom of entry and there are legal restrictions that restrict the entry of new firms into the industry.Hence there will be no competitors and competition for firms who are in the monopoly market.Telekom Malaysia (TM) is a good example of a monopoly since there is only one home telephone service in Malaysia which is Telekom Malaysia (TM) and not any other firms. 5.3 Nature of product 5.3.1 The firms in a perfect competition must sell homogenous products.In the perfect competition structure,buyers cannot differentiate products in terms of quality,packaging,colour and design since they are identical.Furthermore,the firm cannot charge a different price for the same product which exist in the market.A classic example of this is the telecommunication service provider in Malaysia which are Digi,Maxis and Celcom.They provide customers with the same product in the market but buyers cannot differentiate their products no matter how, since they are all the same. 5.3.2 The monopolistic competition market sells differentiated products which are not identical.Each firms will have their own method to differentiate their products from other sellers to get more customers or consumers.Their products can be different in terms of the design,advertising,branding,and labelling.For example,when a perfume is nicely packaged in a box and labelled as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å" best perfumeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ then this product is in monopolistic competition. 5.3.3 Products in the oligopoly may be differentiated or undifferentiated.In Malaysia,the example of oligopoly market are petroleum and automobiles where petroleum is identical while cars are differentiated products. 5.3.4 Under monopoly market,the products produced has no close substitutes or unique.Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) is one of the example of monopoly who is the electricity supplier from local public utility which has no close substitutes but if the buyers can find any other way to get electricity then this product is no more in monopoly and monopoly cannot exist if there is a competition or any substitute product. 5.4 Implication of demand curve for firm 5.4.1 The demand curve for firm
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Coming to Age in Eudora Welty’s The Little Store :: Eudora Welty The Little Store
Coming to Age in Eudora Welty’s The Little Store Eudora Welty is one of the leading American writers of the twentieth century. In her work â€Å"The Little Store,†Welty recollects from her memories of growing up. She humbly admitted that she lived a â€Å"sheltered life†growing up in the South as a woman. From this perspective, Eudora writes her short story as a means to tell her passage into adulthood. Growing up in the capital of Mississippi, Eudora lives only a few blocks from the capitol. She remembers from many different trips to the Little Store various moments of her childhood and compiles them into one trip. She encourages the reader by bringing realism to the work through the use of sensory writing. During each leg of her travel, some object creates a tangent in her mind of other memories. Although the story begins from a child’s perspective, there are hints of maturity arriving. The maturity provides â€Å"facts of life and death†(Welty 82) to Eudora. Eudora is very talented with the use of sensory imagery. She describes her mother and household in terms of foods that have strong tastes, such as blackberries and lemons, which have distinctive aromas. When Eudora arrives at the store later in the work, she is overwhelmed by her grandiose surroundings. She knows she can have whatever she would like, from sodas, to fireworks, to sweets galore. She is enticed to the point where the readers become involved by thinking of what it is they would choose themselves. She uses senses to pull the reader into her story and it makes the story more realistic. However, in the end, this is a fact of life for Eudora: she cannot always have everything she wants. She must choose wisely or face the consequences. After pulling the reader into the story, Eudora makes an attempt to relate to her audience. She would â€Å"bet that nickel that would be left over that all over the country †¦ the neighborhood grocery played a similar part in growing up†(79). Coming to Age in Eudora Welty’s The Little Store :: Eudora Welty The Little Store Coming to Age in Eudora Welty’s The Little Store Eudora Welty is one of the leading American writers of the twentieth century. In her work â€Å"The Little Store,†Welty recollects from her memories of growing up. She humbly admitted that she lived a â€Å"sheltered life†growing up in the South as a woman. From this perspective, Eudora writes her short story as a means to tell her passage into adulthood. Growing up in the capital of Mississippi, Eudora lives only a few blocks from the capitol. She remembers from many different trips to the Little Store various moments of her childhood and compiles them into one trip. She encourages the reader by bringing realism to the work through the use of sensory writing. During each leg of her travel, some object creates a tangent in her mind of other memories. Although the story begins from a child’s perspective, there are hints of maturity arriving. The maturity provides â€Å"facts of life and death†(Welty 82) to Eudora. Eudora is very talented with the use of sensory imagery. She describes her mother and household in terms of foods that have strong tastes, such as blackberries and lemons, which have distinctive aromas. When Eudora arrives at the store later in the work, she is overwhelmed by her grandiose surroundings. She knows she can have whatever she would like, from sodas, to fireworks, to sweets galore. She is enticed to the point where the readers become involved by thinking of what it is they would choose themselves. She uses senses to pull the reader into her story and it makes the story more realistic. However, in the end, this is a fact of life for Eudora: she cannot always have everything she wants. She must choose wisely or face the consequences. After pulling the reader into the story, Eudora makes an attempt to relate to her audience. She would â€Å"bet that nickel that would be left over that all over the country †¦ the neighborhood grocery played a similar part in growing up†(79).
Sunday, November 10, 2019
A Review of Things Fall Apart
Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe, is the story of tribal Africa both before and during the colonial period.The story follows the main character, Okonkwo, through his life as a highly respected man in his tribe, an accident that forced him away, his anger at the white man moving in and changing things, and his untimely death at his own hand. Things Fall Apart is a moving tale that speaks of the normalcy of tribal life before the arrival of the white man, and the falling apart of society as it was known due to the introduction of Christianity and the white man’s law.Chinua Achebe’s purpose in writing this story was to present the colonial period in Africa through the eyes of the people it really affected. Achebe uses the first and second portions of his novel to explain what everyday life was like in a fictional section of Africa before the white man came (Achebe, 1959).Through his writing, the reader learns much about the way these people lived. Every part of their so ciety, from cooking to house building to tribal ranks, is covered in detail, but it is told through the eyes of people who would have really lived that way.Achebe seems to wish for his readers to see that there was more to African tribes than what little was told about them in history books. He pulls the reader in and makes them a part of the tribe by explaining everything in minute detail. It almost feels as if one is in the camps as they read.The controversy that Achebe focuses on is the ruin of tribal society by the arrival of the white man, the Christian religion, and the white man’s law. The tribes had their own ways of dealing with problems and the breaking of their laws, but the white men moved in and changed all of that. They built courts and prisons so they could carry out their own kind of justice (Achebe, 1959).The tribal religions were ancient, but Christianity was introduced and made many villagers turn away from the gods that their families had followed for life times (Achebe 1959). Achebe’s opinion of these actions appears to be less than accommodating.From the way that he writes, it seems that he sympathized greatly with the people who were undergoing such change. One gets the impression that Achebe believes that the tribes would have been better off left alone. His presentation of the information is split into three sections, and each section deals with a different part of the main character, Okonkwo, life falling apart.The first section is a description of his happy life in his tribe, the second part deals with his banishment to his mother’s family land, and the third deals with his encounters with the white man and his desperate bids to change things back to the way they were (Achebe, 1959).It is made very clear that things have been so changed that they will never be â€Å"normal†again, and that seems to be the reason for the three point process. Life changes before the reader’s eyes, just as it changes be fore the characters eyes. In this way the reader feels the loss of the tightly woven society bit by bit, and that seems to be what Achebe hopes to accomplish.Things Fall Apart is a fictional work, and so it does not have a basis in outside printed sources, or at least none that Achebe lists. This book is based on a reality that has been passed down for generations, and no doubt Achebe used some old stories and songs to base his story upon. However, the purpose of this book is not to focus on any one area. Instead, it is meant to represent all of Africa and all of what was lost during colonization.Narrowing the scope to a place and people that existed in reality would lessen the scope of the book. Perhaps that is why Achebe did not choose to use printed sources as his guide. Melding the bits of knowledge that he had about the whole colonization process into one book gives the reader pieces of every tribe, not just one in particular.Things Fall Apart has many chapters, but three m ajor sections. The first section tells the reader all about everyday life in the tribes. The reader learns how important it is to be seen as â€Å"manly,†and how necessary it is to stay in the good graces of the gods (Achebe, 1959). Also covered in this section are descriptions of the diet of the tribe, the clothing they wore, and the buildings in which they lived (Achebe, 1959).Tribal lore is also introduced, such as the thought that twin babies were evil and must be left to die, and the idea of the obanje child, an infant born again and again to the same woman, only to die at a young age every time (Achebe,, 1959). The reader also learns of the tribal forms of punishment, particularly the rule that accidental murders lead to a banishment of seven years to the motherland of the convicted (Achebe, 1959).This rule is particularly important to the rest of the story, because it is the first step in the downfall of Okonkwo. Achebe’s argument in this portion of the story s eems to be that although tribal life could be hard and cruel to outside eyes, it was nearly perfect for the people who lived it.Everyone in the villages knew their place and their contribution to the tribe as a whole, and as long as everyone did their part and kept to the rules that had been in effect for hundreds of years, life ran smoothly.Achebe paints a picture of a society that might not make a lot of sense to outsiders, but worked out just fine for the people within it. The underlying argument is, â€Å"Why force change on something that works?â€
Friday, November 8, 2019
Arrays in Mathematics
Arrays in Mathematics In math, an array refers to a set of numbers or objects that will follow a specific pattern. An array is an orderly arrangement (often in rows, columns or a matrix) that is most commonly used as a visual tool for demonstrating multiplication and division. There are many everyday examples of arrays that help with understanding the utility of these tools for quick data analysis and simple multiplication or division of large groups of objects. Consider a box of chocolates or a crate of oranges that have an arrangement of 12 across and 8 down rather than count each one, a person could multiply 12 x 8 to determine the boxes each contain 96 chocolates or oranges. Examples such as these aid in young students understanding of how multiplication and division work on a practical level, which is why arrays are most helpful when teaching young learners to multiply and divide shares of real objects like fruits or candies. These visual tools allow students to grasp how observing patterns of fast adding can help them count larger quantities of these items or divide larger quantities of items equally amongst their peers. Describing Arrays in Multiplication When using arrays to explain multiplication, teachers often refer to the arrays by the factors being multiplied. For example, an array of 36 apples arranged in six columns of six rows of apples would be described as a 6 by 6 array. These arrays help students, primarily in third through fifth grades, understand the computation process by breaking the factors into tangible pieces and describing the concept that multiplication relies on such patterns to aid in quickly adding large sums multiple times. In the six by six array, for instance, students are able to understand that if each column represents a group of six apples and there are six rows of these groups, they will have 36 apples in total, which can quickly be determined not by individually counting the apples or by adding 6 6 6 6 6 6 but by simply multiplying the number of items in each group by the number of groups represented in the array. Describing Arrays in Division In division, arrays can also be used as a handy tool to visually describe how large groups of objects can be divided equally into smaller groups. Using the above example of 36 apples, teachers can ask students to divide the large sum into equal-sized groups to form an array as a guide to the division of apples. If asked to divide the apples equally between 12 students, for example, the class would produce a 12 by 3 array, demonstrating that each student would receive three apples if the 36 were divided equally among the 12 individuals. Conversely, if students were asked to divide the apples between three people, they would produce a 3 by 12 array, which demonstrates the Commutative Property of Multiplication that the order of factors in multiplication does not affect the product of multiplying these factors. Understanding this core concept of the interplay between multiplication and division will help students form a fundamental understanding of mathematics as a whole, allowing for quicker and more complex computations as they continue into algebra and later applied mathematics in geometry and statistics.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Alexander Nevsky - Prince of Novgorod and Kiev
Alexander Nevsky - Prince of Novgorod and Kiev The son of an important Russian leader, Alexander Nevsky was elected prince of Novgorod on his own merits. He succeeded in driving invading Swedes from Russian territory and fending off the Teutonic Knights. However, he agreed to pay tribute to the Mongols rather than fight them, a decision for which he has been criticized. Eventually, he became Grand Prince and worked to restore Russian prosperity and establish Russian sovereignty. After his death, Russia disintegrated into feudal principalities. Also Known As Prince of Novgorod and Kiev; Grand Prince of Vladimir; also spelled Aleksandr Nevski and, in Cyrillic, à à »Ã µÃ ºÃ' à °Ã ½Ã ´Ã'€ à à µÃ ²Ã' à ºÃ ¸Ã ¹ Alexander Nevsky was noted for Stopping the advance of the Swedes and the Teutonic Knights into Russia Occupations Roles in Society Military LeaderPrinceSaint Places of Residence and Influence Russia Important Dates Born: c. 1220Victorious in battle on the ice: April 5, 1242Died: Nov. 14, 1263 Biography Prince of Novgorod and Kiev and Grand Prince of Vladimir, Alexander Nevsky is best known for stopping the advance of the Swedes and the Teutonic Knights into Russia. At the same time, he paid tribute to the Mongols instead of attempting to fight them off, a position that has been attacked as cowardly but which may have been simply a matter of understanding his limits. The son of Yaroslav II Vsevolodovich, grand prince of Vladimir and foremost Russian leader, Alexander was elected prince of Novgorod (primarily a military post) in 1236. In 1239 he married Alexandra, the daughter of the Prince of Polotsk. For some time the Novgorodians had moved into Finnish territory, which was controlled by the Swedes. To punish them for this encroachment and to bar Russias access to the sea, the Swedes invaded Russia in 1240. Alexander scored a significant victory against them at the confluence of the Rivers Izhora and Neva, whereby he got his honorific, Nevsky. However, several months later he was expelled from Novgorod for interfering in city affairs. Not long afterward, Pope Gregory IX began urging the Teutonic Knights to Christianize the Baltic region, even though there were Christians already there. In the face of this threat, Alexander was invited to return to Novgorod and, after several confrontations, he defeated the knights in a famous battle on the frozen channel between Lakes Chud and Pskov in April 1242. Alexander eventually stopped the eastward expansion of both the Swedes and Germans. But another serious problem prevailed in the east. Mongol armies were conquering portions of Russia, which was not politically unified. Alexanders father agreed to serve the new Mongol rulers, but he died in September 1246. This left the throne of the Grand Prince vacant, and both Alexander and his younger brother Andrew appealed to Khan Batu of the Mongol Golden Horde. Batu sent them to the Great Khan, who violated Russian custom by selecting Andrew as Grand Prince, probably because Alexander was favored by Batu, who was out of favor with the Great Khan. Alexander settled for being made the prince of Kiev. Andrew began to conspire with other Russian princes and western nations against the Mongol overlords. Alexander took the opportunity to denounce his brother to Batus son Sartak. Sartak sent an army to depose Andrew, and Alexander was installed as Grand Prince in his place. As Grand Prince, Alexander worked to restore Russian prosperity by building fortifications and churches and passing laws. He continued to control Novgorod through his son Vasily. This altered the tradition of rule from one based on a process of invitation to institutional sovereignty. In 1255 Novgorod expelled Vasily, and Alexander put together an army and got Vasily back on the throne. In 1257 a rebellion broke out in Novgorod in response to an impending census and taxation. Alexander helped forced the city to submit, probably fearing that the Mongols would punish all of Russia for Novgorods actions. More uprisings broke out in 1262 against the Muslim tax farmers of the Golden Horde, and Alexander succeeded in averting reprisals by journeying to Saray on the Volga and speaking to the Khan there. He also obtained an exemption for Russians from a draft. On the way home, Alexander Nevsky died in Gorodets. After his death, Russia disintegrated into feuding principalities but his son Daniel would found the house of Moscow, which would eventually reunite northern Russian lands. Alexander Nevsky was supported by the Russian Orthodox Church, which made him a saint in 1547.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Failure of the League of Nations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Failure of the League of Nations - Essay Example The research illustrates that Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, and later Germany and Russia – all great powers in their own right - joined the League of Nations and the United States, on the other hand, was the only major power not to join the League in spite of having been instrumental in creating it in the first place. This dichotomy i.e. the failure of the United States to join the League of Nations, in spite of being its staunchest advocate, could thus be ascribed to its inability to reconcile domestic political compulsions with its international obligations. Was this domestic compulsion a clash between the ‘realists’ and the ‘idealists’? This is the main theme that the research paper will seek to examine. The idealist view of international relations envisaged the creation of, â€Å"international institutions to replace the anarchical and war-prone balance-of-power system. The realist view, on the other hand, viewed the state as the most i mportant player, subservient to no other (external) authority. The idealist view was endorsed by president Wilson who in his, â€Å"celebrated Fourteen Points speech, delivered before Congress in 1918, proposed the creation of the League of Nations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Although the League of Nations came into being in 1919, Congress refused to ratify the United States’ entry into the league. This challenge to President Wilson’s worldview was spearheaded by a group of Senators led by Senators Henry Cabot Lodge, William E. Borah, and Hiram Johnson. Part of the realist view was that the US should revert to its policy of ‘isolation’ that had been in vogue pre-World War I in keeping with the Monroe Doctrine. This was at odds with the League’s charter, which enjoined that, â€Å"the international community had not only the right but a duty to intervene in international conflicts†¦Ã¢â‚¬ .
Friday, November 1, 2019
DIURETICS DRUGS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
DIURETICS DRUGS - Essay Example Other classes of diuretics include the calcium-sparing diuretics, osmotic diuretics, low-ceiling diuretics among others. Just as vasodilators are, diuretics are also used to cure diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure, among other respiratory diseases. These drugs aid the maintenance of the right blood pressure, and also increase the release of toxins from the body system. These diuretic drugs also improve the cardiac output and increase the pressure in the pulmonary capillaries. For diabetes patients, mostly, practitioners prefer to administer ultra-filtration therapy, claiming its effectiveness over diuretics. Before taking diuretic drugs, a patient ought to tell the doctor if he or she is taking other medications to avoid mixing drugs (diabetes and heart conditions) present a high risk in the event of drug contamination. Every diuretic drug comes with a medication guide that helps a patient to follow procedural treatment to hypertension or diabetes (Breidthardt et al, 2013). Diuretics therapy, for instance when administered to heart failure patients, has diverse functions that pose physiological effects to the body. The cardinal component in diuretic therapy provides a sodium balance in heart failure management. Other effects include improving dyspnea, general functioning of the cardiac system and also enhance exercise tolerance. Also, such diuretics reduce filling pressures in the cardiac system and also enhance decongestion in the pulmonary tubes (Blijderveen et al, 2014). This section relates to blood pressure (hypertension). Diuretics can either be administered as first generation or second subsequent generation. Studies indicate that when diuretics are given to hypertension patients as first generation medication, the outcome is outstanding and the patients experience significant reduction of pressure, hence reduced
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Westminster Organizational Development and Strengthening Program Assignment - 1
Westminster Organizational Development and Strengthening Program Summary - Assignment Example This attracted younger families. For the recent five years, the community expanded. The situation necessitates intervention to improve the socio-economic landscape of the community by enhancing governance as a mechanism for participatory development. Since the community is populated with elders, its local governance is a bit traditional and conservative. The entry of younger populace may provide a promise of having potential visionary leaders who can be engines for transformation and development of the community using strategies and plans for their welfare. There is a need to organize a civil society which will constitute potential elders from the group of elders and young populace. They will conduct a community assessment, develop their vision and mission, identify objectives, and craft their blueprint of actions. As such, the organization necessitate resource generation to carry out their plans and to capacitate them in It is deemed essential that the civil society will craft its Westminster Organizational Development and Strengthening Program, details of which will be determined by the civil society leaders as the beneficiary of the program. This is proposed that such yearlong plan will include organizational development and strengthening program. A proposed program will reflect the following activities (for their consideration): The Westminster civil society proposes to tap the support of Wesley Foundation. The foundation has been aiding low-income community organizing to empower people to become agents of empowerment to improve their lives.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Management annotated bibliography Essay Example for Free
Management annotated bibliography Essay The purpose of this paper is to provide an annotated bibliography of three articles that deal with innovation and strategic management. And will include a review from the author’s perspective on current trends being shaped by innovation and specific aspects of innovation influencing strategic management. Innovation strategy: 4 key tactics of top growth companies The article covers the four practices of successful growth. Finding the next S-curve, lean on customers, think like a designer, and lead the way are the four areas that are focused on. The practice of finding the next S-curve explains that innovation has a time window, and is directly related to revenue. With continuous innovation, a company’s chance of hitting and staying within the window increases dramatically. The practice of lean on customers directly relates to gaining an understanding of the customer. It points out tools to use, such as creating a customer empathy map. Lean on customers creates a lean approach to product innovation. The think like a designer practice involves using innovation to create new options. This includes using Blue Ocean Strategy which is the search for uncontested market space and the business model canvas which is the nine building blocks for business. The lead the way practice involves making innovation a priority and those innovative leaders should be role models. Current innovative companies are used as examples for each practice. These include Amazon, Apple, IBM, and Starbucks (Power, 2014-15). Elements of a successful innovation roadmap This article covers innovation with Rapid Innovation Cycle (RIC). RIC leads to a higher success rate, by showing a repeatable process. It is an introduction to a work shop. Product, business models, and processes can benefit from this road map. The rapid innovation cycle has four phases. Phase one is define and scope the innovation opportunity, phase two is discover new ideas, phase three develop and design concepts for experimentation, and phase four is demonstrate the innovation through piloting and prototyping. The define phase details the way to define and scope an innovation. This is from the customer’s perspective and saves valuable time and energy. The discovery phase details ways of exploring ideas to solve the issues that came to light in the define phase. The develop phase shows ways of developing the ideas that came from the discovery phase. The demonstrate phase turns the ideas from the development phase into simulations or working prototypes. By following the prescribed roadmap, companies can innovate with little to no waste (Samuel, 2013). Using Global insights to drive local innovation This article shows a strategy to gain innovation by looking at trends and insights on a global level. By learning what trends are emerging and what global consumers behaviors are, provides important insights to meet consumer’s needs. Two important areas to focus on are the customer’s experience and lifestyle focus. The consumer’s overall satisfaction is a key element, and products need to fulfill a wide array of lifestyles and interests. By following and anticipating these trends, companies can focus their innovation efforts to fulfill these needs (Capercini, 2013). Author’s review Innovation is a key factor in any business. With the information age moving and advancing as fast as it is, companies have to be proactive to keep up. Part of strategic management is innovation; this includes having a plan, developing new ways to do business, and new or better products and services. Not paying attention to global as well as local trends could have catastrophic consequences on a business. It is up management to lead the way and be role models. By finding uncontested market space, companies can have the advantage over competitors. References Capercini, R. (2013). Innovation Retrieved from Power, D. (2014-15). Harvard division of continuing education: Professional Development. Retrieved from Samuel, Dr. P. (2013). Innovation Retrieved from
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Awareness as it Relates to Wikipedia Essay -- Wikipedia
In the paper â€Å"Awareness and Coordination in Shared Workspaces†written by Paul Dourish and Victoria Bellotti, the authors describe awareness as: â€Å"an understanding of the activities of others, which provides a context for your own activity†(Dourish 107). This concept appears several times in the various Wikipedia research papers. We can also see that as Wikipedia changes and evolves one of the key aspects of successful awareness, passive awareness rather than active awareness, is potentially being eroded. Finally, the definition of awareness as described by Dourish and Bellotti was written almost 20 years ago and certainly was not considering a collaborative effort such as Wikipedia, there are considerations and alterations should be taken into consideration when looking at awareness in an environment such as Wikipedia. The article â€Å"Lifting the Veil: Improving Accountability and social Transparency in Wikipedia with WikiDashboard†discusses the issue Wikipedia faces with quality and accountability while proposing a potential solution. The main focus of the article is the WikiDashboard application that the authors created, however the reason this application is created is to address the transparency issue with Wikipedia. â€Å"Despite their tremendous success, collaborative models of knowledge building are still viewed with skepticism. The quality, accountability, and trustworthyness of the articles in Wikipedia has been debated heavily in the press†(Bongwon 1037). This distrust is the result of the disconnect of awareness between the Wikipedia readers and the Wikipedia writers, who of course can be the same individuals but in many cases are not. When a reader of a Wikipedia article cannot say for sure who has wr... ...Lifting the veil: improving accountability and social transparency in Wikipedia with wikidashboard Proceeding of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems 1037-1040. Bryant, Forte and Bruckman (2005) Becoming Wikipedian: Transformation of Participation in a Collaborative Online Encyclopedia Proceedings of the 2005 international ACM SIGGROUP conference on Supporting group work (GROUP'05) 1-10. Kittur, Suh, Pendleton and Chi (2007) He says, she says: conflict and coordination in Wikipedia Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI'07) 453-462. Butler, Joyce and Pike (2008) Don't look now, but we've created a bureaucracy: the nature and roles of policies and rules in wikipedia Proceeding of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI'08) 1101-1110.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Education reality Essay
Dealism Idealism is the metaphysical and epistemological doctrine that ideas or thoughts make up fundamental reality. Essen? ally, it is any philosophy which argues that the only thing actually knowable is consciousness (or the contents of consciousness), whereas we never can be sure that ma? er or anything in the outside world really exists. Thus, the only real things are mental en es, not physical things (which exist only in the sense that they are perceived) Progressivism Progressivist believes that individuality, progress, and change are fundamental to one’s educa? on. Believing that people learn best from what they consider most relevant to their lives, progressivist centers their curricula on the needs, experiences, interests, and abili? es of students. Progressivist teachers try making school interes? ng and useful by planning lessons that provoke curiosity. In a progressivist school, students are ac? vely learning. The students interact with one another and develop social quali? es such as coopera? on and tolerance for di&erent points of view. Essen? alism It is an educa? onal philosophy whose adherents believe that children should learn the tradi? onal basic subjects thoroughly and rigorously. In this philosophical school of thought, the aim is to ins? ll students with the â€Å"essen? als†of academic knowledge, enac? ng a back-to-basics approach. Essen? alism ensures that the accumulated wisdom of our civiliza? on as taught in the tradi? onal academic disciplines is passed on from teacher to student. Such disciplines might include Reading, Wri? ng, Literature, Foreign Languages, History, Mathema? cs, Science, Art, and Music. Moreover, this tradi? onal approach is meant to train the mind, promote reasoning, and ensure a common culture. Realism Realism, at its simplest and most general, is the view that en es of a certain type have an objec? ve reality, a reality that is completely ontologically independent of our conceptual schemes, linguis? c prac? ces, beliefs, etc. Thus, en es (including abstract concepts and universals as well as more concrete objects) have an existence independent of the act of percep? on, and independent of their names. Reconstruc? onism Social Reconstruc? onism is a philosophy that emphasizes the addressing of social ques? ons and a quest to create a be? er society and worldwide democracy. Reconstruc? onist educators focus on a curriculum that highlights social reform as the aim of educa? on. Existen? alism It is based on the view that humans de3ne their own meaning in life, and try to make ra? onal decisions despite exis? ng in an irra? onal universe. It focuses on the ques? on of human existence, and the feeling that there is no purpose or explana? on at the core of existence. It holds that, as there is no God or any other transcendent force, the only way to counter this nothingness (and hence to 3nd meaning in life) is by embracing existence. Pragma? sm Pragma? sm is a rejec? on of the idea that the func? on of thought is to describe, represent, or mirror reality. Instead, pragma? sts consider thought to be a product of the interac? on between organism and environment. Thus, the func? on of thought is as an instrument or tool for predic? on, ac? on, and problem solving. Pragma? sts contend that most philosophical topics such as the nature of knowledge, language, concepts, meaning, belief, and scienceâ€â€are all best viewed in terms of their prac? cal uses and successes rather than in terms of representa? ve accuracy Perennialism Believe that one should teach the things that one deems to be of everlas? ng per? nence to all people everywhere. They believe that the most important topics develop a person. Since details of fact change constantly, these cannot be the most important. Therefore, one should teach principles, not facts. Since people are human, one should teach 3rst about humans, not machines or techniques. Since people are people 3rst, and workers second if at all, one should teach liberal topics 3rst, not voca? onal topics.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
America in the 60’s: A Personal Account of a Hippie
The sixties was a tumultuous decade. America went into a war that has lost the support and commitment of the American people. My interviewee was a college student then and he claimed that he had learned more in the streets than in the four walls of the classroom.While American soldiers were fighting the Vietcong in order to liberate South Vietnam, they at home were fighting the government to bring home the American soldiers. According to him, â€Å"our soldiers were just being slaughtered in the battle for nothing. He believed that it was not a war that America should fight.While people gather around together in rallies and movements, there was a diversity of causes people fight for. While my interviewee was particularly concerned against the Vietnam War, his interactions with other activists led him to realize other important social ills that needed to be addressed.He learned about the civil rights movement and feminist movement. The former were basically black people f ighting against racial discrimination and seeking for equal rights particularly the right to suffrage. The latter on the other hand, were fighting against women’s rights.  But in many cases, they assemble and joined together to stage a mass movement.The rallies sometimes end up violent with the police committing brutality in dispersing the activists. But joining rallies were like a fad. It was fun, adventurous and liberating. In fact, the violence that occur form part of the thrill of joining rallies. Accordingly, many of those who joined were not really into the causes of the movements but were there for kicks.  Rebellion seemed part of the youth culture of the sixties in order to be hip.One of the most unforgettable experiences my interviewee had was his attendance to the most well known musical event that practically defined the 60’s, the Woodstock festival in 1969 billed as a three day celebration of music, peace and love (Schomp, p65).According t o him, over half a million people participated in the festival. As a dedicated activist, the Woodstock was really a united protest action against the Vietnam War but the media just sensationalized the nudity, drugs, and sex committed by the hippies in the event.In my short interview with this acquaintance of mine, the events in the 1960’s seemed closely interlaced with each other and everything seemed to happen simultaneously unlike in the textbook where history is presented like separate and isolated events.The 1960’s was indeed turbulent and riotous per my personal evaluation of my history book and as admitted by my interviewee himself. However, the book wasn’t able to capture the enjoyment and the ventures that people experienced during that time.My interviewer commented that the sixties was indeed a time of serious transition in the American political sphere, but it wasn’t that dull, boring and uptight serious as written in the pages of a book . The youth was daring yet were still having the time of their lives.Work Cited:Schomp, Virginia. The Vietnam War. 2nd edition. Marshall Cavendish, 2001, pp64-66 Â
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The view that The Merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities Essay Example
The view that The Merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities Essay Example The view that The Merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities Paper The view that The Merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities Paper Essay Topic: Merchant Of Venice Play I consider The Merchant of Venice as a comedy with tragic possibilities mostly due to the melancholy ending which leaves the reader thinking whether what happened during the play could be considered morally good or not. Aristotle produced the first ideas about what a tragic and comic play were. Shakespeare altered this slightly but the Shakespearean model is still pretty much identical. I would define a comedy as everything a tragedy is not. In a tragedy all of the main action happens in one day and in that day there must be a revolution. Most of the time, the main character, or the tragic hero, is of noble birth or of high status so that when they die, which they most likely will, they fall far. This makes us feel sympathetic to the character. This happens as we let ourselves go through a, willing suspension of belief during the play, which makes us basically get emotionally involved in the play even though we know that the play is not real. A tragic play, because of this willing suspension of belief, excites the emotions of pity and fear. Pity is a synonym of sympathy and fear is felt due to the fact that we wonder what it would be like for us to be in that position and we are fearful of it. Catharsis, an idea of Aristotle which the audience feel they are watching the play. It is like a cleansing process as it teaches you not to become a murderer and so forth. It makes you into a better person. Whilst reading the merchant of Venice I felt Sympathy for Shylock and fear arose when Antonio was about to die. The play told me not to be criticising of others because of there beliefs. The Merchant of Venice consequently has the characteristics of a tragedy. A comedy is therefore is a play in which the main character, the comic hero, prospers. The evil character therefore gets what is coming to him and usually dies. This was seen as a waste of time by Aristotle and I agree as in the end everyone is happy and there is no revolution. Pity and fear are not felt, and in its place is happiness. This means that there is not as much point in the play as things work out. When things dont work out we feel sympathy and we learn a lesson. This is the Catharsis which makes us a better person. Even though you may have Catharsis experienced in a comedy due to the fact that it tells you not to be the like the bad character, the catharsis from watching a tragic play is much greater. This is because we feel more intense emotions and it gets the audience thinking more about the issues in the play, whether they are social, cultural, legal, moral etc. The play has the basic layout of a comedy because you could say there is a comic villain, and a comic hero throughout the play but tragedy also comes into it as if you feel sympathy for Shylock he is the tragic hero. The comic characters in this play are Launcelot Gobbo and Old Gobbo. The Prince of Morocco and the Prince of Arragon can be seen as comic characters also for their extravagance and arrogance. The Prince of Morocco says he would Outbrave the heart most daring on the earth which is a very overconfident thing to say. In Act 2, Scene 2, Launcelot, referred to as the clown and Old Gobbo, his father, interact in a comic way. Due to the fact that Old Gobbo is blind and easy to fool Launcelot plays around with him and tricks him into thinking his son is dead even though he is talking about himself and is obviously not. Then when he tries to convince his father he is not dead, being the dim old man he is he says to Launcelot that he is sure you are not Launcelot my boy. This comic interaction continues but these characters are very minor, especially Old Gobbo as he does not appear at any other time unlike Launcelot who appears several times. However these are the most clearly comic characters as one is called a clown and one is very old and gullible. They may have been placed in the story to give the other characters some time to change, but mainly they are there to provide the audience with some comic relief. Launcelot would have been used to show that Shylock is a dull and unkind man as he leaves Shylock without a servant and becomes the servant of Bassanio who is portrayed as much kinder and interesting person. These comic characters would be used in a comedy. With these characters the play becomes much more light hearted and comic for the audience, creating a happy feeling of the play. The Prince of Morocco and the Prince of Arragon are also minor roles in the play. There are comic as they are seen as big-headed and very flamboyant as they say things like did I deserve no more than a fools head. This is when Arragon is trying to seem incredibly intelligent above others as he mocks a man who would go for the golden casket and comically for the audience it was Morocco who would went for the Golden casket. Morocco is very proud and believes he is very worthy of Portia because of how noble and rich he is. Arragon is slightly wiser yet still quite proud and also tries to impress Portia, but with words, not his reputation. These characters are comic but still have a role to play. They have to be the characters who try the casket game and fail. This leaves the reader or audience with the knowledge of which casket is the right one and makes it more exciting when Bassanio chooses the right casket. A comedy would include these characters as they bring a comic feel to the play due to their comically high opinions of themselves. To me there is only one clearly comic scene in the play as there are others which are partially comic but have serious issues displayed as well. For instance, the scenes with Morocco and Arragon fit this description as they are comic because of the way in which the Princes are very exaggerated, ostentatious and adoring of themselves. Morocco says that his reputation hath feared the valiant. However they also talk about important issues like racial issues when Morocco says to Portia not to immediately dislike him because of his complexion. They both talk in a very passionate and heartfelt way showing that they are there not purely for comic reasons. The clearly comic scene in the play is Act 2 Scene 2 as this is the scene with Launcelot Gobbo and Old Gobbo. As I said before Launcelot jokes with his father and tricks him as he is very easy to fool. Launcelot fools Old Gobbo into thinking that he is not Launcelot and that the Launcelot he speaks of has gone to heaven. Launcelot then tries to convince his father that he is really his son but Old Gobbo is not convinced until Launcelot mentions Margaret which is his mothers name. This interaction is all very light hearted and insignificant to the play but its function is to provide some comic relief for the audience and maybe give some time to the other actors to get changed and practice their lines and so forth. Also this kind of scene would be used in a comedy as I said before to make the play more light hearted, happy, and enjoyable. Shylock is a Jew and is therefore a minority in Venice. He is criticised for this and prejudices are formed against him about him being a bad man for being a Jew. He is put down by always being referred to as the Jew which would be very angering. During the play we feel mixed emotions towards Shylock. With the knowledge of what has happened to the Jews during the centuries we feel sympathetic to a greater extent towards him. However does he deserve this sympathy? Does he have the right to feel unhappy because he has been mistreated for being a Jew or is he really just a bad man who is deserving of these prejudices? When Antonio first meets Shylock we dont know whether or not to feel sympathetic towards him as he passionately speaks about how he is mistreated but he also backs up the reason for this treatment as he gives us a reason to believe he is tricking Antonio due to his incredibly kind jester of lending money to him without any interest at all, just the right to his flesh if he fails to pay him back in time. We are backed up about this view as Bassanio says that Shylock has a villains mind. When it comes to the court case, Shylock has had his daughter and his money taken away from him by a Christian, and his servant taken away from him by another Christian. He feels as if everyone he knows has turned on him and out of emotion he is desperate to kill Antonio by taking his flesh. Is he right to do such an awful deed because of how badly he feels, or is it unthinkable of a man who has had everything taken from him by Christians to take a Christians life. This has even signed a contract, and agreed to his own death if he does not pay it back, and then he doesnt? We are not sure whether or not he is a comic villain or a tragic hero which makes the classification of the Merchant of Venice as a comedy or tragedy harder. This helps the view that the Merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities. It is up to the reader whether or not Shylock is a comic villain or a tragic hero. Most would portray him as a comic villain and there is a lot of evidence to agree with that. When considering Shylock as the comic villain, the comic hero must be Bassanio. People leave Shylock for Bassanio or other Christians including his servant, Launcelot, and his daughter, Jessica. Shylock must be an evil man if people despise him enough to leave him and call his house a house of hell, like Jessica did in Act 2 Scene 3. Ever since the start we have seen him as a cunning and devious person. We thought that somehow he must have an ulterior motive if he is lending Antonio a large sum of money without any interest, and taking a pound of mans flesh if it is not paid back. Even though his gesture this time is one interest free, Shylock is a very money greedy man. He makes money from others misfortunes as he is a money lender and he hates Antonio because he lends money interest free. His reason for this is a greedy one as he feels that he loses money if people lend money from Antonio and not from him. He values his money more than his daughter after she runs away with his Ducats. He cries My Daughter, O my Ducats, My Daughter which shows that he loves them both equally until he says he I would have her at my feet with the Ducats and Jewels in her ears. This tells us that he would have his own daughter dead if he could have his money back. He is not a merciful man as when asked to show mercy he doesnt and he uses Justice as a loophole for the right to kill Antonio legally. Shylocks evil, devious, greedy, sinister and merciless characteristics cause the reader to believe that he is a comic villain. Being a comic villain would make the play more a comedy than a tragedy and there would then need to be a comic hero, Bassanio. Maybe the reason why everyone hates Shylock is not because he is an awful man, but because he is a Jew. I believe that it is a spiral of hatred as Shylock feels he must be mean to others as he has been a victim of anti-Semitic behaviour, and more anti-Semitic become the Christians when Shylock is mean to them. Being fair to Shylock, in those days, being a money lender was all Jews could do at the time. This is because Jews were not allowed to do more respectful jobs and money lending is all that they could do to earn money. Shylock also is ganged up upon by most of the characters in the play and has everything of value taken from him. These include his Daughter, who leaves him for a Christian, and his money, which he has rightfully earned as he doesnt force people to lend from him. Also Launcelot has left Shylock to be the servant of Bassanio instead and Shylock is left with no one as his wife is deceased. You could call the Christians the evil ones as they are prejudice against Shylock and steal all things of value from him. If people have taken all of value from you, do you not deserve to feel hatred for them? Shylock does feel hatred towards the people who are against him and uses Antonio as a way to exact his revenge. No matter how sinister it is, he is made to feel like this by the people who in the courtroom case beg for his mercy. Could we see him therefore as a tragic hero? If he was a tragic hero then there would need to be a tragic villain, but who would this be? It would be a tragedy if there was a tragic hero and villain but as there is not, the Merchant of Venice can only have tragic possibilities. The end of the play is very melancholy. The resolution that should happen in the play for a comedy is that Shylock, the evil man in the play gets his just deserts when he is deserted by his daughter and loses the court case and with it all his remaining money. Also Jessica is now happy with Lorenzo, Portia is happy with Bassanio, Gratiano is happy with Nerissa, Launcelot is happy serving his new master and Antonio lives and becomes amazingly rich. Then again is this really the case? Shylock is a beaten, devastated man who even though he wanted to kill Antonio had a motive that the Jewish people would be happy for this revenge to take place. He ends up losing all his money, his daughter, his pride, his house and any friends he might have had because of this and there is still prejudice against him. Being a Christian person the others must feel some form of guilt towards Shylock for him being such a broken man. Jessica must feel sad for stealing Shylocks money and deserting him and her faith and siding with the Christians against him. Lorenzo doesnt understand why she might feel like this and that couple end up unhappy. Portia knows that Bassanio has given his ring away for Antonio, and that Antonio loves Bassanio. Consequently that relationship is quite awkward and unhappy. Nerrisa is also unhappy with Gratiano as he has given the ring away, and Antonio, even though he is rich again, is lonely, still loves Bassanio and is jealous of Portia. Thus nobody in the end is really happy. The Jews are still put down by the Christians and the other characters are unhappy with each other and unhappy about what they have done to Shylock. What should have been a comedy has turned out to be a comedy with tragic possibilities. So in conclusion is the merchant of Venice a tragedy or a comedy? I would agree with the view that the merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities. It depends on whether or not you think of Shylock as a comic villain or a tragic hero. I would see Shylock as a comic villain in the play as he hates the Christians and in the end tries to kill one. Then again there is more to this as Shylocks hateful emotions towards the Christians has been a result of immense prejudice against him. The Christians stole his servant, his daughter, and with her his money and pride. After the court case, and his harsh punishment we cannot help but feel sympathetic towards Shylock. Even the characters that had hated him throughout the play now feel guilt and sympathy. Most of which comes from Jessica, who has deserted her father, stolen his money and sided against him. Therefore we could see Shylock as a tragic hero in some respects. The main feel of the play however is a comic one even if there are blatant elements of a tragedy involved in the play. For that reason I will conclude by saying that The Merchant of Venice in my eyes is indeed a comedy with tragic possibilities.
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