Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Westminster Organizational Development and Strengthening Program Assignment - 1
Westminster Organizational Development and Strengthening Program Summary - Assignment Example This attracted younger families. For the recent five years, the community expanded. The situation necessitates intervention to improve the socio-economic landscape of the community by enhancing governance as a mechanism for participatory development. Since the community is populated with elders, its local governance is a bit traditional and conservative. The entry of younger populace may provide a promise of having potential visionary leaders who can be engines for transformation and development of the community using strategies and plans for their welfare. There is a need to organize a civil society which will constitute potential elders from the group of elders and young populace. They will conduct a community assessment, develop their vision and mission, identify objectives, and craft their blueprint of actions. As such, the organization necessitate resource generation to carry out their plans and to capacitate them in It is deemed essential that the civil society will craft its Westminster Organizational Development and Strengthening Program, details of which will be determined by the civil society leaders as the beneficiary of the program. This is proposed that such yearlong plan will include organizational development and strengthening program. A proposed program will reflect the following activities (for their consideration): The Westminster civil society proposes to tap the support of Wesley Foundation. The foundation has been aiding low-income community organizing to empower people to become agents of empowerment to improve their lives.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Management annotated bibliography Essay Example for Free
Management annotated bibliography Essay The purpose of this paper is to provide an annotated bibliography of three articles that deal with innovation and strategic management. And will include a review from the author’s perspective on current trends being shaped by innovation and specific aspects of innovation influencing strategic management. Innovation strategy: 4 key tactics of top growth companies The article covers the four practices of successful growth. Finding the next S-curve, lean on customers, think like a designer, and lead the way are the four areas that are focused on. The practice of finding the next S-curve explains that innovation has a time window, and is directly related to revenue. With continuous innovation, a company’s chance of hitting and staying within the window increases dramatically. The practice of lean on customers directly relates to gaining an understanding of the customer. It points out tools to use, such as creating a customer empathy map. Lean on customers creates a lean approach to product innovation. The think like a designer practice involves using innovation to create new options. This includes using Blue Ocean Strategy which is the search for uncontested market space and the business model canvas which is the nine building blocks for business. The lead the way practice involves making innovation a priority and those innovative leaders should be role models. Current innovative companies are used as examples for each practice. These include Amazon, Apple, IBM, and Starbucks (Power, 2014-15). Elements of a successful innovation roadmap This article covers innovation with Rapid Innovation Cycle (RIC). RIC leads to a higher success rate, by showing a repeatable process. It is an introduction to a work shop. Product, business models, and processes can benefit from this road map. The rapid innovation cycle has four phases. Phase one is define and scope the innovation opportunity, phase two is discover new ideas, phase three develop and design concepts for experimentation, and phase four is demonstrate the innovation through piloting and prototyping. The define phase details the way to define and scope an innovation. This is from the customer’s perspective and saves valuable time and energy. The discovery phase details ways of exploring ideas to solve the issues that came to light in the define phase. The develop phase shows ways of developing the ideas that came from the discovery phase. The demonstrate phase turns the ideas from the development phase into simulations or working prototypes. By following the prescribed roadmap, companies can innovate with little to no waste (Samuel, 2013). Using Global insights to drive local innovation This article shows a strategy to gain innovation by looking at trends and insights on a global level. By learning what trends are emerging and what global consumers behaviors are, provides important insights to meet consumer’s needs. Two important areas to focus on are the customer’s experience and lifestyle focus. The consumer’s overall satisfaction is a key element, and products need to fulfill a wide array of lifestyles and interests. By following and anticipating these trends, companies can focus their innovation efforts to fulfill these needs (Capercini, 2013). Author’s review Innovation is a key factor in any business. With the information age moving and advancing as fast as it is, companies have to be proactive to keep up. Part of strategic management is innovation; this includes having a plan, developing new ways to do business, and new or better products and services. Not paying attention to global as well as local trends could have catastrophic consequences on a business. It is up management to lead the way and be role models. By finding uncontested market space, companies can have the advantage over competitors. References Capercini, R. (2013). Innovation Retrieved from Power, D. (2014-15). Harvard division of continuing education: Professional Development. Retrieved from Samuel, Dr. P. (2013). Innovation Retrieved from
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Awareness as it Relates to Wikipedia Essay -- Wikipedia
In the paper â€Å"Awareness and Coordination in Shared Workspaces†written by Paul Dourish and Victoria Bellotti, the authors describe awareness as: â€Å"an understanding of the activities of others, which provides a context for your own activity†(Dourish 107). This concept appears several times in the various Wikipedia research papers. We can also see that as Wikipedia changes and evolves one of the key aspects of successful awareness, passive awareness rather than active awareness, is potentially being eroded. Finally, the definition of awareness as described by Dourish and Bellotti was written almost 20 years ago and certainly was not considering a collaborative effort such as Wikipedia, there are considerations and alterations should be taken into consideration when looking at awareness in an environment such as Wikipedia. The article â€Å"Lifting the Veil: Improving Accountability and social Transparency in Wikipedia with WikiDashboard†discusses the issue Wikipedia faces with quality and accountability while proposing a potential solution. The main focus of the article is the WikiDashboard application that the authors created, however the reason this application is created is to address the transparency issue with Wikipedia. â€Å"Despite their tremendous success, collaborative models of knowledge building are still viewed with skepticism. The quality, accountability, and trustworthyness of the articles in Wikipedia has been debated heavily in the press†(Bongwon 1037). This distrust is the result of the disconnect of awareness between the Wikipedia readers and the Wikipedia writers, who of course can be the same individuals but in many cases are not. When a reader of a Wikipedia article cannot say for sure who has wr... ...Lifting the veil: improving accountability and social transparency in Wikipedia with wikidashboard Proceeding of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems 1037-1040. Bryant, Forte and Bruckman (2005) Becoming Wikipedian: Transformation of Participation in a Collaborative Online Encyclopedia Proceedings of the 2005 international ACM SIGGROUP conference on Supporting group work (GROUP'05) 1-10. Kittur, Suh, Pendleton and Chi (2007) He says, she says: conflict and coordination in Wikipedia Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI'07) 453-462. Butler, Joyce and Pike (2008) Don't look now, but we've created a bureaucracy: the nature and roles of policies and rules in wikipedia Proceeding of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI'08) 1101-1110.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Education reality Essay
Dealism Idealism is the metaphysical and epistemological doctrine that ideas or thoughts make up fundamental reality. Essen? ally, it is any philosophy which argues that the only thing actually knowable is consciousness (or the contents of consciousness), whereas we never can be sure that ma? er or anything in the outside world really exists. Thus, the only real things are mental en es, not physical things (which exist only in the sense that they are perceived) Progressivism Progressivist believes that individuality, progress, and change are fundamental to one’s educa? on. Believing that people learn best from what they consider most relevant to their lives, progressivist centers their curricula on the needs, experiences, interests, and abili? es of students. Progressivist teachers try making school interes? ng and useful by planning lessons that provoke curiosity. In a progressivist school, students are ac? vely learning. The students interact with one another and develop social quali? es such as coopera? on and tolerance for di&erent points of view. Essen? alism It is an educa? onal philosophy whose adherents believe that children should learn the tradi? onal basic subjects thoroughly and rigorously. In this philosophical school of thought, the aim is to ins? ll students with the â€Å"essen? als†of academic knowledge, enac? ng a back-to-basics approach. Essen? alism ensures that the accumulated wisdom of our civiliza? on as taught in the tradi? onal academic disciplines is passed on from teacher to student. Such disciplines might include Reading, Wri? ng, Literature, Foreign Languages, History, Mathema? cs, Science, Art, and Music. Moreover, this tradi? onal approach is meant to train the mind, promote reasoning, and ensure a common culture. Realism Realism, at its simplest and most general, is the view that en es of a certain type have an objec? ve reality, a reality that is completely ontologically independent of our conceptual schemes, linguis? c prac? ces, beliefs, etc. Thus, en es (including abstract concepts and universals as well as more concrete objects) have an existence independent of the act of percep? on, and independent of their names. Reconstruc? onism Social Reconstruc? onism is a philosophy that emphasizes the addressing of social ques? ons and a quest to create a be? er society and worldwide democracy. Reconstruc? onist educators focus on a curriculum that highlights social reform as the aim of educa? on. Existen? alism It is based on the view that humans de3ne their own meaning in life, and try to make ra? onal decisions despite exis? ng in an irra? onal universe. It focuses on the ques? on of human existence, and the feeling that there is no purpose or explana? on at the core of existence. It holds that, as there is no God or any other transcendent force, the only way to counter this nothingness (and hence to 3nd meaning in life) is by embracing existence. Pragma? sm Pragma? sm is a rejec? on of the idea that the func? on of thought is to describe, represent, or mirror reality. Instead, pragma? sts consider thought to be a product of the interac? on between organism and environment. Thus, the func? on of thought is as an instrument or tool for predic? on, ac? on, and problem solving. Pragma? sts contend that most philosophical topics such as the nature of knowledge, language, concepts, meaning, belief, and scienceâ€â€are all best viewed in terms of their prac? cal uses and successes rather than in terms of representa? ve accuracy Perennialism Believe that one should teach the things that one deems to be of everlas? ng per? nence to all people everywhere. They believe that the most important topics develop a person. Since details of fact change constantly, these cannot be the most important. Therefore, one should teach principles, not facts. Since people are human, one should teach 3rst about humans, not machines or techniques. Since people are people 3rst, and workers second if at all, one should teach liberal topics 3rst, not voca? onal topics.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
America in the 60’s: A Personal Account of a Hippie
The sixties was a tumultuous decade. America went into a war that has lost the support and commitment of the American people. My interviewee was a college student then and he claimed that he had learned more in the streets than in the four walls of the classroom.While American soldiers were fighting the Vietcong in order to liberate South Vietnam, they at home were fighting the government to bring home the American soldiers. According to him, â€Å"our soldiers were just being slaughtered in the battle for nothing. He believed that it was not a war that America should fight.While people gather around together in rallies and movements, there was a diversity of causes people fight for. While my interviewee was particularly concerned against the Vietnam War, his interactions with other activists led him to realize other important social ills that needed to be addressed.He learned about the civil rights movement and feminist movement. The former were basically black people f ighting against racial discrimination and seeking for equal rights particularly the right to suffrage. The latter on the other hand, were fighting against women’s rights.  But in many cases, they assemble and joined together to stage a mass movement.The rallies sometimes end up violent with the police committing brutality in dispersing the activists. But joining rallies were like a fad. It was fun, adventurous and liberating. In fact, the violence that occur form part of the thrill of joining rallies. Accordingly, many of those who joined were not really into the causes of the movements but were there for kicks.  Rebellion seemed part of the youth culture of the sixties in order to be hip.One of the most unforgettable experiences my interviewee had was his attendance to the most well known musical event that practically defined the 60’s, the Woodstock festival in 1969 billed as a three day celebration of music, peace and love (Schomp, p65).According t o him, over half a million people participated in the festival. As a dedicated activist, the Woodstock was really a united protest action against the Vietnam War but the media just sensationalized the nudity, drugs, and sex committed by the hippies in the event.In my short interview with this acquaintance of mine, the events in the 1960’s seemed closely interlaced with each other and everything seemed to happen simultaneously unlike in the textbook where history is presented like separate and isolated events.The 1960’s was indeed turbulent and riotous per my personal evaluation of my history book and as admitted by my interviewee himself. However, the book wasn’t able to capture the enjoyment and the ventures that people experienced during that time.My interviewer commented that the sixties was indeed a time of serious transition in the American political sphere, but it wasn’t that dull, boring and uptight serious as written in the pages of a book . The youth was daring yet were still having the time of their lives.Work Cited:Schomp, Virginia. The Vietnam War. 2nd edition. Marshall Cavendish, 2001, pp64-66 Â
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The view that The Merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities Essay Example
The view that The Merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities Essay Example The view that The Merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities Paper The view that The Merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities Paper Essay Topic: Merchant Of Venice Play I consider The Merchant of Venice as a comedy with tragic possibilities mostly due to the melancholy ending which leaves the reader thinking whether what happened during the play could be considered morally good or not. Aristotle produced the first ideas about what a tragic and comic play were. Shakespeare altered this slightly but the Shakespearean model is still pretty much identical. I would define a comedy as everything a tragedy is not. In a tragedy all of the main action happens in one day and in that day there must be a revolution. Most of the time, the main character, or the tragic hero, is of noble birth or of high status so that when they die, which they most likely will, they fall far. This makes us feel sympathetic to the character. This happens as we let ourselves go through a, willing suspension of belief during the play, which makes us basically get emotionally involved in the play even though we know that the play is not real. A tragic play, because of this willing suspension of belief, excites the emotions of pity and fear. Pity is a synonym of sympathy and fear is felt due to the fact that we wonder what it would be like for us to be in that position and we are fearful of it. Catharsis, an idea of Aristotle which the audience feel they are watching the play. It is like a cleansing process as it teaches you not to become a murderer and so forth. It makes you into a better person. Whilst reading the merchant of Venice I felt Sympathy for Shylock and fear arose when Antonio was about to die. The play told me not to be criticising of others because of there beliefs. The Merchant of Venice consequently has the characteristics of a tragedy. A comedy is therefore is a play in which the main character, the comic hero, prospers. The evil character therefore gets what is coming to him and usually dies. This was seen as a waste of time by Aristotle and I agree as in the end everyone is happy and there is no revolution. Pity and fear are not felt, and in its place is happiness. This means that there is not as much point in the play as things work out. When things dont work out we feel sympathy and we learn a lesson. This is the Catharsis which makes us a better person. Even though you may have Catharsis experienced in a comedy due to the fact that it tells you not to be the like the bad character, the catharsis from watching a tragic play is much greater. This is because we feel more intense emotions and it gets the audience thinking more about the issues in the play, whether they are social, cultural, legal, moral etc. The play has the basic layout of a comedy because you could say there is a comic villain, and a comic hero throughout the play but tragedy also comes into it as if you feel sympathy for Shylock he is the tragic hero. The comic characters in this play are Launcelot Gobbo and Old Gobbo. The Prince of Morocco and the Prince of Arragon can be seen as comic characters also for their extravagance and arrogance. The Prince of Morocco says he would Outbrave the heart most daring on the earth which is a very overconfident thing to say. In Act 2, Scene 2, Launcelot, referred to as the clown and Old Gobbo, his father, interact in a comic way. Due to the fact that Old Gobbo is blind and easy to fool Launcelot plays around with him and tricks him into thinking his son is dead even though he is talking about himself and is obviously not. Then when he tries to convince his father he is not dead, being the dim old man he is he says to Launcelot that he is sure you are not Launcelot my boy. This comic interaction continues but these characters are very minor, especially Old Gobbo as he does not appear at any other time unlike Launcelot who appears several times. However these are the most clearly comic characters as one is called a clown and one is very old and gullible. They may have been placed in the story to give the other characters some time to change, but mainly they are there to provide the audience with some comic relief. Launcelot would have been used to show that Shylock is a dull and unkind man as he leaves Shylock without a servant and becomes the servant of Bassanio who is portrayed as much kinder and interesting person. These comic characters would be used in a comedy. With these characters the play becomes much more light hearted and comic for the audience, creating a happy feeling of the play. The Prince of Morocco and the Prince of Arragon are also minor roles in the play. There are comic as they are seen as big-headed and very flamboyant as they say things like did I deserve no more than a fools head. This is when Arragon is trying to seem incredibly intelligent above others as he mocks a man who would go for the golden casket and comically for the audience it was Morocco who would went for the Golden casket. Morocco is very proud and believes he is very worthy of Portia because of how noble and rich he is. Arragon is slightly wiser yet still quite proud and also tries to impress Portia, but with words, not his reputation. These characters are comic but still have a role to play. They have to be the characters who try the casket game and fail. This leaves the reader or audience with the knowledge of which casket is the right one and makes it more exciting when Bassanio chooses the right casket. A comedy would include these characters as they bring a comic feel to the play due to their comically high opinions of themselves. To me there is only one clearly comic scene in the play as there are others which are partially comic but have serious issues displayed as well. For instance, the scenes with Morocco and Arragon fit this description as they are comic because of the way in which the Princes are very exaggerated, ostentatious and adoring of themselves. Morocco says that his reputation hath feared the valiant. However they also talk about important issues like racial issues when Morocco says to Portia not to immediately dislike him because of his complexion. They both talk in a very passionate and heartfelt way showing that they are there not purely for comic reasons. The clearly comic scene in the play is Act 2 Scene 2 as this is the scene with Launcelot Gobbo and Old Gobbo. As I said before Launcelot jokes with his father and tricks him as he is very easy to fool. Launcelot fools Old Gobbo into thinking that he is not Launcelot and that the Launcelot he speaks of has gone to heaven. Launcelot then tries to convince his father that he is really his son but Old Gobbo is not convinced until Launcelot mentions Margaret which is his mothers name. This interaction is all very light hearted and insignificant to the play but its function is to provide some comic relief for the audience and maybe give some time to the other actors to get changed and practice their lines and so forth. Also this kind of scene would be used in a comedy as I said before to make the play more light hearted, happy, and enjoyable. Shylock is a Jew and is therefore a minority in Venice. He is criticised for this and prejudices are formed against him about him being a bad man for being a Jew. He is put down by always being referred to as the Jew which would be very angering. During the play we feel mixed emotions towards Shylock. With the knowledge of what has happened to the Jews during the centuries we feel sympathetic to a greater extent towards him. However does he deserve this sympathy? Does he have the right to feel unhappy because he has been mistreated for being a Jew or is he really just a bad man who is deserving of these prejudices? When Antonio first meets Shylock we dont know whether or not to feel sympathetic towards him as he passionately speaks about how he is mistreated but he also backs up the reason for this treatment as he gives us a reason to believe he is tricking Antonio due to his incredibly kind jester of lending money to him without any interest at all, just the right to his flesh if he fails to pay him back in time. We are backed up about this view as Bassanio says that Shylock has a villains mind. When it comes to the court case, Shylock has had his daughter and his money taken away from him by a Christian, and his servant taken away from him by another Christian. He feels as if everyone he knows has turned on him and out of emotion he is desperate to kill Antonio by taking his flesh. Is he right to do such an awful deed because of how badly he feels, or is it unthinkable of a man who has had everything taken from him by Christians to take a Christians life. This has even signed a contract, and agreed to his own death if he does not pay it back, and then he doesnt? We are not sure whether or not he is a comic villain or a tragic hero which makes the classification of the Merchant of Venice as a comedy or tragedy harder. This helps the view that the Merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities. It is up to the reader whether or not Shylock is a comic villain or a tragic hero. Most would portray him as a comic villain and there is a lot of evidence to agree with that. When considering Shylock as the comic villain, the comic hero must be Bassanio. People leave Shylock for Bassanio or other Christians including his servant, Launcelot, and his daughter, Jessica. Shylock must be an evil man if people despise him enough to leave him and call his house a house of hell, like Jessica did in Act 2 Scene 3. Ever since the start we have seen him as a cunning and devious person. We thought that somehow he must have an ulterior motive if he is lending Antonio a large sum of money without any interest, and taking a pound of mans flesh if it is not paid back. Even though his gesture this time is one interest free, Shylock is a very money greedy man. He makes money from others misfortunes as he is a money lender and he hates Antonio because he lends money interest free. His reason for this is a greedy one as he feels that he loses money if people lend money from Antonio and not from him. He values his money more than his daughter after she runs away with his Ducats. He cries My Daughter, O my Ducats, My Daughter which shows that he loves them both equally until he says he I would have her at my feet with the Ducats and Jewels in her ears. This tells us that he would have his own daughter dead if he could have his money back. He is not a merciful man as when asked to show mercy he doesnt and he uses Justice as a loophole for the right to kill Antonio legally. Shylocks evil, devious, greedy, sinister and merciless characteristics cause the reader to believe that he is a comic villain. Being a comic villain would make the play more a comedy than a tragedy and there would then need to be a comic hero, Bassanio. Maybe the reason why everyone hates Shylock is not because he is an awful man, but because he is a Jew. I believe that it is a spiral of hatred as Shylock feels he must be mean to others as he has been a victim of anti-Semitic behaviour, and more anti-Semitic become the Christians when Shylock is mean to them. Being fair to Shylock, in those days, being a money lender was all Jews could do at the time. This is because Jews were not allowed to do more respectful jobs and money lending is all that they could do to earn money. Shylock also is ganged up upon by most of the characters in the play and has everything of value taken from him. These include his Daughter, who leaves him for a Christian, and his money, which he has rightfully earned as he doesnt force people to lend from him. Also Launcelot has left Shylock to be the servant of Bassanio instead and Shylock is left with no one as his wife is deceased. You could call the Christians the evil ones as they are prejudice against Shylock and steal all things of value from him. If people have taken all of value from you, do you not deserve to feel hatred for them? Shylock does feel hatred towards the people who are against him and uses Antonio as a way to exact his revenge. No matter how sinister it is, he is made to feel like this by the people who in the courtroom case beg for his mercy. Could we see him therefore as a tragic hero? If he was a tragic hero then there would need to be a tragic villain, but who would this be? It would be a tragedy if there was a tragic hero and villain but as there is not, the Merchant of Venice can only have tragic possibilities. The end of the play is very melancholy. The resolution that should happen in the play for a comedy is that Shylock, the evil man in the play gets his just deserts when he is deserted by his daughter and loses the court case and with it all his remaining money. Also Jessica is now happy with Lorenzo, Portia is happy with Bassanio, Gratiano is happy with Nerissa, Launcelot is happy serving his new master and Antonio lives and becomes amazingly rich. Then again is this really the case? Shylock is a beaten, devastated man who even though he wanted to kill Antonio had a motive that the Jewish people would be happy for this revenge to take place. He ends up losing all his money, his daughter, his pride, his house and any friends he might have had because of this and there is still prejudice against him. Being a Christian person the others must feel some form of guilt towards Shylock for him being such a broken man. Jessica must feel sad for stealing Shylocks money and deserting him and her faith and siding with the Christians against him. Lorenzo doesnt understand why she might feel like this and that couple end up unhappy. Portia knows that Bassanio has given his ring away for Antonio, and that Antonio loves Bassanio. Consequently that relationship is quite awkward and unhappy. Nerrisa is also unhappy with Gratiano as he has given the ring away, and Antonio, even though he is rich again, is lonely, still loves Bassanio and is jealous of Portia. Thus nobody in the end is really happy. The Jews are still put down by the Christians and the other characters are unhappy with each other and unhappy about what they have done to Shylock. What should have been a comedy has turned out to be a comedy with tragic possibilities. So in conclusion is the merchant of Venice a tragedy or a comedy? I would agree with the view that the merchant of Venice is a comedy with tragic possibilities. It depends on whether or not you think of Shylock as a comic villain or a tragic hero. I would see Shylock as a comic villain in the play as he hates the Christians and in the end tries to kill one. Then again there is more to this as Shylocks hateful emotions towards the Christians has been a result of immense prejudice against him. The Christians stole his servant, his daughter, and with her his money and pride. After the court case, and his harsh punishment we cannot help but feel sympathetic towards Shylock. Even the characters that had hated him throughout the play now feel guilt and sympathy. Most of which comes from Jessica, who has deserted her father, stolen his money and sided against him. Therefore we could see Shylock as a tragic hero in some respects. The main feel of the play however is a comic one even if there are blatant elements of a tragedy involved in the play. For that reason I will conclude by saying that The Merchant of Venice in my eyes is indeed a comedy with tragic possibilities.
Monday, October 21, 2019
club Business About 80 Words (description About A Business Idea) Coursework
Bar/club Business About 80 Words (description About A Business Idea) Coursework Bar/club Business About 80 Words (description About A Business Idea) – Coursework Example Bar/club business Bar/club business Every innovative idea brought up in business can turn to be a worthwhile success if proper strategies are put in place in the implementation. Think of starting a company in the alcohol world, in the major capital cities in the world.In every country, it is less likely to find people not drinking especially during weekends and holidays. This is a business opportunity that most of the times do not suffer any loss with good management in place. The first step would be to create a brand name within the home country so that when the business goes overseas, the business will be widely known. International advertisement will also enhance its growth. The optimum goal in this project will be to having a brand that remains attractive to create a long-term value in different countries the business will operate. The business should aim to create a brand name in parent country, do feasibility study on best bar locations and alcoholic products in different count ries. If this takes place within a short period, this means the product will create a market niche, receiving high profits in the future. Creating the value of the product is essential to every business, since this offers a competitive advantage to the product, creating of superiority in the market and thus reporting huge profits every year. The bar/club business is consistent. It will require huge financial muscle as startup capital and aggressive advertising. Once the brand name is known, the business can concentrate on stability and fighting off competitors.BibliographyDuncan, K., 2010. Business greatest hits a masterclass in modern business ideas. London: A. & C. Black.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Rose Water Recipe
Rose Water Recipe Rose water is one of several products your can buy or make that retains the fragrance of rose petals. It is used in perfumes and cosmetics, plus it has slightly astringent properties, so it makes an excellent facial toner. Because the commercial process used to make rose water is labor intensive and requires a lot of roses, its an expensive product to buy. However, if you have roses, you can make your own rose water quite easily. Its an easy example of distillation, an important chemical separation and purification process. Rose Water Materials rose petalswatersmall pancotton balls Experiment with different types of roses, since each rose has its own characteristic scent. Damask rose has the classic rose scent, but some roses smell like citrus fruit, spices, or licorice.The resulting rose water wont smell exactly the same as the original flowers because distillation only captures some of the volatile compounds present in the petals. There are other methods used to capture other essences, such as solvent extraction and more complex distillations. Directions Place the rose petals in a small pan.Add enough water to just barely cover the petals.Gently boil the water.Collect the steam that boils off using a cotton ball. You may wish to place the cotton ball on a fork or hold it with tongs, to avoid getting burned. Once the cotton ball is wet, remove it from the steam and squeeze it out over a small jar. This is the rose water.You can repeat the process to collect more steam.Store your rose water in a sealed container, away from direct sunlight or heat. You can refrigerate it to keep it fresh longer. Large Scale Rose Water Recipe Are you ready for a more advanced version of the project? If you have a few quarts of rose petals, you can collect much more rose water using a slightly more complex home steam distillation apparatus: 2-3 quarts rose petalswaterice cubespot with rounded lidbrickbowl that fits inside pot Place the brick in the center of the pot. There is nothing magical about the brick. Its purpose is simply to hold the collection bowl above the surface of the roses.Put the rose petals in the pot (around the brick) and add enough water to barely cover the petals.Set the bowl on top of the brick. The bowl will collect the rose water.Invert the lid of the pot (turn it upside down), so the rounded part of the lid dips into the pot.Heat the roses and water to a gentle boil. Place ice cubes on the top of the lid. The ice will cool the steam, condensing the rose water inside the pot and making it run down the lid and drip into the bowl.Continue gently boiling the roses and adding ice as needed until you have collected the rose water. Dont boil off all the water. Youll collect the most concentrated rose water in the first few minutes. After that, it will become more and more dilute. Turn off the heat when you notice the condensation isnt as rose-scented as you would like. You can collect be tween a pint and quart of rose water in 20-40 minutes using 2-3 quarts of rose petals. Other Floral Scents This process works with other floral essences, too. Other flower petals that work well include: honeysucklelilacvioletshyacinthirislavender You can experiment with mixing the scents to make custom fragrances. While rose water, violet water, and lavender water are edible and safe for use in cosmetics, some other types of flowers are only good as fragrances and shouldnt be applied directly to the skin or ingested. Safety Notes This is a fun project for kids, but adult supervision is required because boiling water and steam are involved. Kids can collect flowers and squeeze liquid from cooled cotton balls.If you are using the rose water (or violet or lavender water) for cooking or cosmetics, be sure to use flowers that are free of pesticides. Many gardeners spray flowers with chemicals or feed them with systemic pesticides. For a simple fragrance project, its fine to simply rinse off the flower petals to remove any residue, but avoid using chemically treated flowers for food projects or cosmetics. Learn More Design Your Own PerfumeSolid Perfume RecipeSafety Tips for Making Perfume
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Assault, Battery, and Crimes against Persons Assignment
Assault, Battery, and Crimes against Persons - Assignment Example This means that there are different degrees of battery depending on the seriousness of the harm inflicted. Assault is not considered anything beyond threats without any physical harm. However, the reason why most of the jurisdictions consider both crimes together is because when one commits battery, they first have the intention of causing harm followed by threats and then they the physical harm is caused. While assault is executed verbally, battery goes beyond to involve both verbal and physical harm (FindLaw, 2014). To draw a clear distinction between battery and assault an example is ideal. An example of an assault is seen when an individual intimidates another and threatens to kill them. However, the person threatening the other does not inflict any physical harm to them. On the other hand, the case of (A) can be regarded as battery where the attacker inflicts harm to (A) by dragging him and ripping off her clothes. The action taken by (A) cannot be considered as assault neither battery since he was on self-defense when he hit the attacker with a rock and ran away. The attacker should be punished for having committed both battery and assault to (A). This is because he had the intention to harm and went ahead to engage in a physical act that was geared towards causing fear and bodily harm to (A). The actions of (A) cannot be regarded as either assault or battery because they were attacked and reacted to the actions of the attacker by using a self-defensive mechanism. The assault and consequent battery against (A) could be narrowed down to consensual touching if the attacker did not inflict any form of harm or create any fear of harm to (A). This is based on the view that the attacker did not have any evil motive of inflicting injury to (A), neither did they attempt to harm them verbally. In consensual touching, the victim (A), should be willing to talk to the attacker without being forced to do
Friday, October 18, 2019
Marketing Plan 750 1000 words Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Marketing Plan 750 1000 words - Essay Example The business, therefore, takes the advantage of the opportunities in the online business environment to create a product that will meet demands and expectations of the customers. By definition, a digital wallet is an application or software where users can store their crucial information thus it serves as the electronic version of the traditional physical wallet (Sneider, 2014). The product has the potential of storing up to fine details of the users, and they come available for use upon signing up to the website. In this case, developing the product will involve creating a website where users can login and secure their wallets identifiably through their usernames. The product will depend on internet connectivity and offers the users more chance to store more information than the physical wallets. The target market are the learners whose studying mode have changed to e-learning where managing their portfolio is also crucial for their success. Therefore, the product primary aims at providing students with a quick method of keeping their learning documents while at the same time maintaining privacy and security of the stored information. The product is on the introduction phase of the product cycle because digital wallet is a new business model yet to be fully accepted by users worldwide. The stage of the product implies there will be more intensive advertisement as well as promotional activities to create more awareness. Therefore, prices will be initially a bit high to cater for the expenditure on promotional activities but later reduced to make it affordable to the customers. There are myriad of opportunities for developing new products. For instance, the business can refocus on offering financial digital wallets to help people manage their finances. On the other hand, there is the opportunity to venture into a more affordable e-banking services as it has been success with pioneers in the industry like PayPal, Skrill, and Payoneer though the
Em Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Em - Essay Example This essay seeks to explore this concept of emotional labour with specific reference to the studies of Arlie Hochschild and Sara Jaffe. Following discussion will also scrutinize some important ways by which emotional labour affects workers and the relevance of this concept in the present business environment. Controlling personal issues to display the right emotions for customers forms the bedrock of emotional labour. This concept was first introduced by Hochschild in her book â€Å"The Managed Heart.†As the name of her book implies, emotional labour is about managing heart and not permitting personal emotions to burst at the seams in front of a customer. Inhibiting inner feelings and conforming to an external ideal to project a better image about organization is emotional labour. Some service industries require employees to treat customers nicely regardless of however rude or unreasonable the customer is being. In this case especially when an employee is already not feeling well but still attempting to be nice, rude customers can readily make things worse. Research suggests that being forced to manage emotions in such drastic situations can culminate in work stress. Such workers can get very detached from their real self and may also experience burnout as a result. Hochschild he rself addresses this worrisome issue by claiming that â€Å"the worker can become estranged or alienated from an aspect of self†(Hochschild 7). Jaffe is her article also points out that emotional labour makes female employees disadvantaged in a workplace. Instead of benefiting them significantly, the kindness or caring provided by women in care fields is taken for weakness. This kind of trend adds to exploitation of caring female employees (Harvey cited in Jaffe). Women are universally expected to display greater level of care for others and behave more kindly. They are expected to be submissive and disregard their personal issues.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
An Act of Discrimination and Hatred Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
An Act of Discrimination and Hatred - Essay Example This means that a Muslim will be looked at suspiciously because of the stereotypes surrounding religion and extremism. This means that an immigrant will be treated as a second-class citizen because of their choice to move out of their home country. This also means that many such immigrants and Muslims will be denied jobs, housing, or healthcare services because of their identity as a Muslim or an immigrant. Racism is being differentiated in order to treat a particular religious or ethnic group in a way that is condescending and unfair. It is being discriminated based on perceived sentiments of superiority and bias. Racism is prejudice. It is hatred towards a particular religious or racial group. It is the biased and unfair treatment of an individual based on a preconceived opinion regarding a specific race. Racism means a denial of a human’s fundamental rights. It is hatred towards other people because they are different. It is prejudice manifested in the form of crimes and violence perpetrated against people of different cultures and racial backgrounds. It is the denial of one’s human rights and is a malpractice against another human. Racism is, therefore, an antithesis of humanity and mankind. Racism is intolerance. Racism is the manifestation of intolerance and bigotry. Racism dismisses any phenomena that are different and results in hatred and discrimination towards people of other races. This is true for immigrants coming from underdeveloped countries as well as Muslims from around the world. Intolerance usually correlates to stereotypes that are associated with a certain community. Racism is a result of narrow-mindedness when it comes to appreciating diversity and variation. Racism often results in violence and maltreatment of people because of the racial differences. Racism causes harm to many people psychologically, physically, and mentally.Â
Intercultural Communications Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Intercultural Communications - Assignment Example The movie is about a family comprised of a father, daughter, and son who are headed out on a picnic. All of a sudden, the father draws a gun and starts shooting and the two children run in the hope of rescuing their lives. The father later shoots himself in the head after setting their car on fire. Jenny (the girl), sees all that happens and does not tell the brother about it. She leads her brother to the desert after gathering some food. They are stranded, but to their rescue comes a boy who knows the place well. They try communicating with each other, but it is impossible and they decide to use sign language. He helps them find water and shares the food he has hunted with them (Oommen 33). They later together with the aboriginal boy find a deserted farm and decide to rest there. The boy continues with his hunting and is almost caught in a crossfire with other hunters in a truck. He finds the girl dressing and dances to her hoping to capture her attention, but the girl is clueless about what he is trying to communicate. Later the following morning, Jenny, and her brother (Luc) find the aboriginal boy hanging dead on a tree. She wipes ants on the dead boy’s chest before they head out. They come across a deserted mining town where they find a white man who leads them to a hotel. Years later, we see Jenny all grown up in her home daydreaming (Miczo and Welter 54). Communication barrier is one of the main challenges facing people from different cultures. This is clearly shown when the two siblings meet with the aboriginal boy. Jenny tries to talk to him, but the boy does not understand what she is saying. The brother comes to her rescue by gesturing to the boy. Although they later learn to communicate solely through signs and words, it still proves very challenging. They are together all the time, but because they do not speak the same language, they are not able to learn anything about each other.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
An Act of Discrimination and Hatred Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
An Act of Discrimination and Hatred - Essay Example This means that a Muslim will be looked at suspiciously because of the stereotypes surrounding religion and extremism. This means that an immigrant will be treated as a second-class citizen because of their choice to move out of their home country. This also means that many such immigrants and Muslims will be denied jobs, housing, or healthcare services because of their identity as a Muslim or an immigrant. Racism is being differentiated in order to treat a particular religious or ethnic group in a way that is condescending and unfair. It is being discriminated based on perceived sentiments of superiority and bias. Racism is prejudice. It is hatred towards a particular religious or racial group. It is the biased and unfair treatment of an individual based on a preconceived opinion regarding a specific race. Racism means a denial of a human’s fundamental rights. It is hatred towards other people because they are different. It is prejudice manifested in the form of crimes and violence perpetrated against people of different cultures and racial backgrounds. It is the denial of one’s human rights and is a malpractice against another human. Racism is, therefore, an antithesis of humanity and mankind. Racism is intolerance. Racism is the manifestation of intolerance and bigotry. Racism dismisses any phenomena that are different and results in hatred and discrimination towards people of other races. This is true for immigrants coming from underdeveloped countries as well as Muslims from around the world. Intolerance usually correlates to stereotypes that are associated with a certain community. Racism is a result of narrow-mindedness when it comes to appreciating diversity and variation. Racism often results in violence and maltreatment of people because of the racial differences. Racism causes harm to many people psychologically, physically, and mentally.Â
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Language and society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Language and society - Essay Example The writer does not appreciate the fact that if college graduates are keen enough, they can store all earning material and coursework to be at par with online degree holders. The use of language to authoritatively express thought is evident throughout the article. He particularly uses ideology to manufacture consent thus convincing the reader that his standpoint is the better. Success is achieved when the writer explains that college degrees are only sought after because employers prefer them while recruiting. He provides a solution to the impasse by providing a mechanism that can be used to make online degrees even more appealing to employers than college degrees. In doing so, he aligns his thoughts with the values and desires of the society to capture consent. Figurative language is also used by the writer to pass his intended message. For example, the writer says â€Å"Colleges are holding technology at bay because†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This artistic use of language helps to lay emphasis on the fact that it is college administrators who stifle the applicability of online
Problems of the Society Essay Example for Free
Problems of the Society Essay Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behaviour cannot be legislated. The topic very well states that many of the problems faced by the modern world cannot be solved by laws and legal system for the reason that the moral behaviour responsible for these problems cannot be legalised. To start with the very usage of words like sorry , please , thanks cannot be forced by the law eventhough these words have a very high impact on the people in their day to day to activities. It is just the moral responsibility or a reflection of the moral behaviour of a person in doing so. Law can only confine or restrict a individuals physical presence but not his thoughts and perceptions. The very fact that people have a lot of rights in a democratic country restricts the law and puts it into a backseat in controlling the moral behaviour of the people. It is for the people to act justly. A number of Prohibition experiments conducted by the Government to control the consumption of alcohol failed miserably. People never gave up and found new ways of acquiring alcohol inspite of many restrictions from the govt. It is the people who have to understand the ill-effects of alcohol on the society and act accordingly. We have also witnessed a number of cases where people suffering with AIDS are ostracized by the community. Legal system can only help support these people physically/financially but not morally. It is the people who have to understand and act accordingly. One important problem faced by most of the countries is that of Pollution. There are many laws enacted by the Govt. to control pollution. No doubt that these laws are helpful in controlling pollution till a extent but the real control and effect of these laws is put to question. There are factories who would prefer to do away with the rules and regulation by paying up fine/penalty for not adhering to the norms instead of regulating their methods of production because they find it more convenient financially doing so. Air pollution can also be controlled by growing sense of awareness within the people using automobiles say the usage of multi-modal transport whenver possible instead of their personal cars and/or maintaining a sound condition of the engine of the vehicle. Instead law cannot make it mandatory for people to travel only by multi-modal transport system.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Travel Behavior And Travel Motivation
Travel Behavior And Travel Motivation Krobeber develops a related decision making model. Within this model, he claims that the tourist behaviour is determined by three elements: travel perception, travel attitude and travel motivation. He further suggests that there are two level influences. The first level influence of Krobeber (1996, cited from Zhong, Zhang, Yang and Guo 2007) can be affected from internal factors such as personal psychological factor and the second level influence comes from external social factors such as family background or group influence. Travel motivation The main contributions regarding motivation is the Maslows hierarchy of needs model (Maslow 1970), the escape or seek model (Iso-Ahola 1982; Ross and Iso-Ahola 1991) and the push and pull method (Crompton 1979). Mill and Morrison (1985) argues that travel motivations fit into Maslows hierarchical needs namely, physiological, safety, belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization. Also they identified two other needs: aesthetics and knowledge. The human needs physiological, safety/security and belonging/love were categorized as tension-reducing, while the self-esteem, self-actualization, acquiring knowledge and aesthetic as inductive arousal-seeking motives (Figure 2.1) Figure 2.1 Travel/tourism motivations Source: (Awaritefe 2004, p. 306) Motivation is one of variables that can explain tourist behavior; it is regarded as one of the most important variables (Baloglu and Uysal 1996). There are many of researches assure that travel decision making is best explained and predicted by the push and pull approach include Backman, Backman, Uysal and Sunshine 1995; Baloglu and Uysal 1996; Ercan, Uysal and Yoshioka 2003. Crompton (1979) explains that motivation is a necessary and important force behind all behavior. People travel because they are pushed and pulled to do so by motivational factors (Baloglu and Uysal 1996). Push motivation is related to the decision, whether to go, and pull motivation addresses the question of where to go (Klenosky 2002). Crompton (1979) used unstructured in-depth interviews and explored push motivation and pull motivation, he summarizes that push is socio-psychological motives that activate people to travel and pull is cultural motives that attract people to a particular destination. Traditionally, the push motivations have been thought useful for explaining the desire for travel while the pull motivations have been thought useful for explaining the actual destination choice (Crompton 1979). According to Ross and Iso-Ahola (1991), push motivation can be considered as psychological factor and pull motivation is physical factor. These two factors can influence travel decisions and leisure engagements. Jang and Cai (2002) point that push refers to the internal facto rs that drive individuals to travel and pull is concerned about the external factors that determine where, when, and how they travel. Kim (2008) addresses that the push factor can be considered as to travel by intangible factors such as escape, relax, exploration) and pull factor is to decide destinations by tangible factors such as attractions, facilities. Motivation as one of the most important theories, it is recognized the key of the success of travel market. Iso-Ahola (1982) observes that people take part in various leisure and travel activities due to their own need. Tourist motivation is associated with individuals desires for achieving various purposes through travel (Kim and Beck 2009). Furthermore, studies of tourist motivation can assist destination managers to understand how well the destination characteristics fit the needs of the travelers (Goeldner Ritchie, 2006) and design tourism products and services containing tourist needs. Destination choice and selection 2.3.1 Influential factors to make tourism decision Once the decision made to start tourism, the decision maker is in front of many questions, such like where to travel, whom to travel with and how to travel. In general, this is a process to collect, organize and assess the information (Liu, 2008). Environmental perception Environment perception refers to the tourism information rooted in mind, the old information and collected information. In general, this is the whole impression for the travelling. The potential tourists would be influenced by the environment perception. Though there might be some very significant tourist destinations, the tourists will not go the famous places that have no impression in their mind and perception. That is what we called environmental perception. Environmental perception mainly include first, the popularity of tourist, which is the first impression of the tourism destination, the tourist will neglect other same destinations; second is tourism distance, the influential factor to the decision is the imaginary distance, not the real distance of the destination. The imaginary distance is made of unreal distance, and time cost, money cost, and energy. Principle of maximum benefit Principle of maximum benefit refers to the tourists will get the best enjoyment within certain budget during the tourism. Tourists will think it over before making a decision to travel. The main principles of maximum benefit are: The minimum time on tourism, it means that the decision to travel will be made according to time spending on it, if the time spending is less than a level, then the decision will be made. Tourists are in favor of less time spending on the travelling. Second is the popularity of tourism destination. The tourism destinations with higher popularity are more attractive, and tourists have gained more information though tourism. Meanwhile, the tourism destination, which has different culture, will arouse the interest for tourism. Beside the two factors, there are other influential factors: best tourism destination, proper price and comfortable accommodation. Tourism preference Tourism preference refers to the humans impression based on their characters over the reality. The tourism preference of tourists is influenced by humans personal impression. The tourism preference is decided by personal impression of tourists. Regarding tourism preference, there are three factors to research, including age, occupation and education. 2.3.2 Content of tourism decision Before starting the tourism, the tourists are supposed to make a lot of decisions; any of them will take personal factors and will into consideration besides external factors. For example, they will ask for some suggestions and think about the tourism route and travelling partner. These questions mainly include information channel, decision maker, travelling partners and tourism pattern. Information channel Information channel is the way to obtain and collect the information. With various channel, it is able to obtain the product information, or other users experience of using the products. As the society turns into a information-based ear, the information channel is various, which including networking channel, newspaper, books and magazine, television, internet and tourism institutions and so on. Decision consultant Decision consultant is someone who the tourist will ask for suggestions before starting tourism. Potential tourists will take suggestions into consideration, and then is more likely to ask for others consultation about where to go and how to go. Tourism partners People would like to find partners when go shopping, the same like tourists, many people like to start tourism with partners. According to experts of consumer behavior, they have made further analysis on the relationship between person and his partners in shopping. According to analysis, the shopping partners are intended to provide the suggestions based on their experience on the products and marketing, while the relationship between them is not intimate, such like neighbor, colleague and schoolmates. However, the suggestions might be focusing on the persons characters and personal demand, while relationship between them is intimate, such like family members. Choices from tourism partners are not only a reliable resource, but also the suggestions and advices. Ways of tourism Ways of tourism is focusing on how to reach the destination. In general, there are two ways to travel, first is joining the travelling agency, and another is individual tourism. In this context, it will specify ways of tourism into several aspects, including joining travelling agency, individual tourism depending on maps, companys tourism, communitys tourism, institutions tourism and others. 2.4 The senior travel market 2.4.1 The seniors travel market in oversea For overseas countries, as they started the tourism analysis in an early time, traced from 1980, the understanding towards tourism of the old people is very fruitful (Liu, 2008). It reflects in these aspects: Research on tourism motivation Regarding the research of tourism for the old people, it mainly focuses on tourism motivation and perception. The research has applied many methods, including questionnaire, on-spot survey. The method mainly focuses on the incentive and influential factors. Besides these methods, many other scientific measures have been applied. For example, a survey on the old people in Israel has been made by Aliza Fleischer in 2002. According to the survey, it found that the main influential factors are income and health, also the tourism time is also changing according to age. For the people aged from 55 to 65, they have rising free time and income, which is decisive to the increasing tourism times. For the people aged above 65, as their income and health going down, the tourism time is reducing (Aliza, 2002). Jaesoo et al. (2003) have applied neural network of describing method to estimate the weight of influential factors towards the old peoples tourism. Meanwhile, it applied the non-neural network model to describe the relationship between tourists and tourism products. Anderson and Langmeyer(1982) analyzed the relationship between the old people and tourism. According to survey, tourists aged above 50 prefer tourism or visiting relatives to enjoy themselves. However, tourist aged below 50 prefer out-door activities or other entertainment facility to enjoy themselves Goossens (2000) proposed the model called enjoyment incentive, which is also called model of intention, stimulation and reaction. The model includes the factor of pulling and pushing. Regarding the factor of pushing, it refers to environment, social status, relax and friendship; in respect of the factor of pulling, it refers to the situation of tourism. It emphasized the relationship between pulling and pushing, it considered that these two factors are two sides of a coin, which is closely tied in tourists mind. Crompton and Mckay (1997) pointed out that there are 6 incentives to attend the activities, including experiencing culture, curiosity, return, and balance, social activity with friends, official activity and family activity (Crompton and Mckay, 1997). Research on tourism behavior of the old people Regarding the old people, the research on detailed behavior of tourism is comparatively fewer, mainly focusing on the difference of behavior compared with others. Blazey (1992) has made a research on the relationship of tourism before and after retired, plus the usage of tourism information of the old people. Lewiser Aiken (2001) has pointed out that friendship is a networking, a mental support and a resource of information and entertainment for the old people. Meanwhile, he pointed out that the old people are more reliable to get information from prints, such like newspaper and other magazines. Romsa and Blenman (1989) compared the difference of tourists aged below 50 and above 60 in German; the result is that the tourism time is more flexible for the people aged above 60. Research on tourism market of the old people The research market of the old people played a part in the whole research, mainly focusing on how to attract the old people in tourism market. Charles D ¼Ã… ½Schewe (1985) indicated that the reason to target the old people in tourism market, as they have large potential and sustainable purchasing power. Francis et al. (1988) regarding the rising number of the old people in USA, it trying to find a way to attract them for the tourism industry, and an information channel to help them set up the vacation plan. In general, regarding the tourism behavior of the old people, the features are: the main influential factors are income and health; also time, income, health age will influence the length and time of tourism; the tourism time will be reduce in accordance with the rising age; friendship is an important information resource for tourism; tourism time is flexible; purpose of tourism is for self-enjoyment. 2.4.2 The seniors travel market in China Since 1999, our society became an aged society, the old people was the main part of society, which is also played an important part in the tourism industry. The research of tourism behavior for the old people started from 1990, in this case, the research has been only in the primary step so far. The core of research was the tourism industry of the old people with many results. However, the research of tourism behaviors feature of the old people is very few (Liu, 2008). Research on the old peoples tourism Though the experts have involved in this issue for not a long time, there has some results. Wei (2001) thinks that the tourism incentive of the old people include health, culture, history and recollecting memory. The old people prefer cultural and historical cities, and would like to go travelling with families, friends or fellows. Liu (2005) thinks that the influential factors on the old peoples shopping include friend, culture, economy, mind and heart and commercial environment. According to a research made by Yu (2003), regarding the old people in Jiangxi, they have large demand on health recovery tourism due to the problems in health condition. Their information channel is mainly the traditional advertisement. Their way to go travelling is mainly following the travel agency. They prefer cultural and historical cities and spend less than average level. Wang (1999) argues that the old people are in a pure shopping stage which is very rational and have high requirement on quality of the products than others. Casual consumption and service consumption takes big proportion. According to an analysis regarding the old peoples tourism industry in Taiyuan made by Zhang (2006), the travelling rate is higher for male than female, especially among the people aged from 60-65. The tourism purposes are mainly for sightseeing, self-enjoyment and recollecting memories; the shopping level are middle level, and the tourism time are seldom in peak season. A survey regarding the tourisms of the old people in Shanghai, the rate of tourism is high with moderate time. The purposes of tourism are mainly sightseeing and for health recovery which is very traditional. They spend money very carefully and will choose to follow the travel agency. They prefer transportation of bus and train. The distance of tourism mainly focuses on short or medium long. They prefer natural environment (Hou, Yin and Chen, 2005). Also a survey regarding the old people in Fuzhou, the rate of tourism is divided into two extreme levels, high and low; the spending time of tourism is estimated to reach one week. The purposes of tourism are for sightseeing, health recovery or visiting relatives. They paid much attention on comfort, security and seldom ask for luxury accommodations. The transportation is mainly bus or train. They prefer travelling with partners and fewer will follow the travel agency. Security concern is the main obstacle for tourism (Tang, 2001). According to an analysis regarding the old people of Chongqing in tourism industry, sports tourism has the same purposes with common tourism; the purposes are for health condition, entertainment and health recovery. The information channel is mainly from company and relatives. They prefer individual travelling. The old people held a prudential attitude towards shopping. Male is the majority to attend sports tourism. The rate of tourism is low for people aged above 65 (Yang, 2003). The main research methods are questionnaire and interview. The research of the old peoples tourism behavior focuses on the incentive and preference, travelling method, transportation, information channel and spending cost. The features of the old peoples behavior are based on demography and influential factors of tourism behavior. Research on tourism industry of the old people In the domestic research, the feature of the old peoples tourism market, feasibility and expansion strategy plays a big part. According to Li (2005), regarding the old people, there are 6 features in tourism industry, such like enjoyment and prefer travelling at off-season. Li (2001) has made an analysis on the old peoples feasibility in tourism industry, which including factors of purchasing power, incentive, purpose, time and health condition. Xu and Chen (2001) proposed that it needs to focus on these factors to explore the tourism market of the old people, including research, products strategy, channel strategy and other promotions. The research on the old people in tourism industry is mature, which has reached an agreement on features on the old people in tourism industry, feasibility, and development research and mature strategy. These results are significant to the following research. However, these researches are limited due to lack of on-spot examination (Liu, 2008). In summary, features of the old people in tourism industry are as follows: the purposes are for self-enjoyment, sightseeing and health recovery; natural scenery and historical sites are attractive; travel time is seldom in peak season; health condition is better than before, and is able to attend some not-so-tough tourism; relatives and friends are the main information channel; joining travelling agency is the main way to tourism; prefer the tourism with family, friends and fellows; holding a prudential attitude towards travelling; taking bus and train as the main transportation with high requirements on travelling safety. 2.4.3 Researched the Nanjing seniors travel market Consumers demand will trigger him to shopping and decide his shoppings way. After entering into the old age, a person has changed psychically with rich experiences in life and consumption. Their consumption behavior is different with other ages, which is very specific and characteristic. This special consumption characteristic could be found in tourism motivation, time, manner and destination preference and other relative aspects. Research on behavior of the aged in tourism will contribute to better understanding to their demand and will help the expansion of tourism industry for the aged (Wei, no date supplied). Wei (no date supplied) has researched the Nanjing seniors travel market and analysis several behaviors below: Tourism motivation Nostalgia For the aged, they have a very memorable time in the past. Though after years, they are willing to go back to the place where they have lived, or talk with the old friends to remind the old time. Loneliness Generally the aged have more free time, and most of their sons and daughters live without them. Their sons and daughters are busy at work, has little time to take care parents. What they can do is to visit parents home on weekend and have some small talk. However, for those who work in other cities, they cannot be with their parents. In this case, many old people feel lost and lonely. Therefore, tourism is able to satisfy their life and attract their attention. Increasing knowledge For many old people, they only heard the names of some famous tourism destination, but due to various reasons, there is no chance to go there. Many old people want to go travelling while the health condition and economy allow, they want to feel and know the prospect of the outside world. Health and entertainment The life of old people is focusing on family and health from previous work. They choose to work out through tourism and entertainment, to go to the natures, for more fresh air, or to live in suburb place. Many obedient children will arrange family tourism; some will drive their car and bring parents together to go on a short tourism to peripheral area. In the tourism, the old people will have a lot of fun. Tourism time Due to health limitation, the old people are not willing to go travelling in winter or summer. They prefer spring or autumn, mainly in May, June, September, November (Wang, 2003). Because this period has proper temperature and humidity, it is good for travel, especially for the aged. Due to limited budget and other reasons, generally the old people are not willing to take a long trip, they prefer short or not-long trip. They want to spend a certain time, such like one week. Tourism manner In general, the old people need stability and security in the tourism, and ask for relax, freedom, comfort, and leisure. Most old people will choose to follow travelling agency. For the old people ¼Ã…’their energy is weaker than other young tourists. Also, they want to enjoy their no matter vacation or rest, they want to fully satisfy their demand for fun, and do not want to pay much attention for accommodations. They prefer joining travel agency for the convenience. Tourism destination According to survey, the purpose of tourism of the old people is mainly for the natural prospect. The tourism with purpose of health is more than pure tourism. It signified that due to the health condition, the old people have more demand in healthy tourism. The tourism destination is closely tied with the age of tourism. The elder tourists prefer cultural destination. For the old tourist, they prefer famous mountain scenery and places of interest, especially natural scenery and revolution scenic spot (Qiu, 2006). As people have different taste to their choice, the old people have their own choice in tourism. However, no matter where to go, they will take security and convenience into consideration. In general, they prefer some places with good environment, or famous cultural cities, religion places, and places with folk custom. Also they like the destinations with slow living rhythm, longstanding culture and high status in history. Tourism expense The old tourists are mainly frugal and holding an economical attitude, requiring comfort and security. They ask little about luxury life. Their consumption awareness mainly is practical and economical. Though the consumption price is rising, too higher price will stop their consumption. Meanwhile, the fee is mostly paid by the old peoples children; and they do not want their children to pay a big bill. They prefer economical tourism. According to survey, there are 17% old people are in well-off economy condition with rising demand for tourism, however, another 70% old people who has requirement for tourism but they need the economical one (Liu, 2007). As the old people get retired, they have plenty of time. Generally speaking, the old people are a group who spend longest time in tourism, with an average day of 10.3, which keeps rising (Hu, 2002). As the old people have more time to travel, they will spend more in entertainment and accommodation. Especially they have significant potential in shopping. 2.5 Hypotheses According to Valerie (1997), setting up and testing a hypothesis is an essential part of statistical inference. In order to create a test of a hypothesis, the starting point is to present a theory that is either believed to be true or is intended to be used as the basis for an argument. The aim of using a hypothesis here is to investigate the real perceived impact of the tourism industry in Huairou. Generally speaking, a hypothesis is a type of prediction which will not always turn out to be accurate, depending on the facts of the particular case. So, all of the predictions must be tested and proven (or disproved) using data analysis and/or further investigation. The hypotheses are based on a review of the prior literature, and the hypotheses have two parts.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
How Romance Is Celebrated In Literature :: essays research papers
The course of time has opened many doors in terms of romance. The present age not only consists many different forms in which love can be expressed, but exhibits the essence of romance that dates back to the dawn of time. Love has existed in many forms throughout time. There is no better example than in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. In this tale, when love is most apparent, the most crucial events occur to develop this "tragedy." Firstly, the lustful romance of Mercutio and Benvolio, Romeo’s comrades have never been in true love, their ideas of love is based merely on physical attributes, whereas ‘love is skin deep’.Mercutio, in contrast with Romeo knows not of true love, as "He jests at scars that never felt a wound." (II.ii.1) His idea of love is when he tries to "conjure" Romeo to respond. His childish, immature attitude towards love is expressed when he describes Rosaline’s features:"Her high forehead" and "quivering thigh"(II.ii.18-19). This lustful idea of romance is only emphasised when he describes Rosaline as "An open-arse and thou a poperin pear!"Rosaline, Romeo’s initial unrequited love seemed irrelevant once Romeo had set his eyes upon Juliet. This may portray a side of Romeo, which shows that as easily as he falls ‘in’ love, he can fall ‘out’ of love. However, Romeo and Juliet’s love was pure and ideal, and because of their forbidden love, it leads them to their graves. Upon seeing Juliet all alone, talking in soliloquy, Romeo proclaims, "It is the east, and Juliet is the Sun," this metaphor enhances Juliet’s beauty as it is exaggerated and pronounced as the beauty of the sun. The forbidden love of Romeo and Juliet is spawned from the feud between the two households; Capulet and Montague and throughout Juliet’s ‘supposed’ soliloquy, she ponders over the prospect of the two families’ names: "What’s in a n ame?" (II.ii.43)Upon hearing this, Romeo, who reciprocates the romance, replies belligerently "Had I it written, I would tear the word." (II.ii.57)Convinced that their love was pure, Juliet has been sold, in an unconventional act for a woman in those times, she takes the initiative and plans their future together;"If that thy bent of love be honourable,Thy purpose of marriage" (II.ii.143-144)Leading to the departure of Romeo and Juliet from the balcony scene, Shakespeare has made use of juxtaposition when Juliet sullenly states, "Parting is such sweet sorrow" (II.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Erik Erikson’s Eight Developmental Stages Essay
Development theories are psychological stages of life. Erik Erikson is best known for his stages of psychosocial development and coining the term ‘identity crisis’. Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development is one of the best known theories of personality. Though similar to Freud, Erikson believed that personality develops in a series of 8 stages. Unlike Freud’s theory of psychosocial stages, Erikson’s theory describes the impact of social experiences across the whole lifespan. Erik Erikson’s Eight Developmental Stages Erik Erikson is one of the best known neo-Freudians in psychological history. He Grew up in Europe and spent most of his young adult life under the direction of Sigmund Freud. Erikson’s psychosocial development model was heavily influenced by Freud, and shares a number of central ideas from Freud’s psychosocial development theory. Instead of five stages, like Freud, Erikson came up with eight stages. The first stage, known as trust vs. mistrust, focuses on birth to roughly 18 months. Erikson also referred to infancy as the Oral Sensory Stage, which is the term Freud used for his first stage. The major emphasis on this stage is the parent-infant relationship. If the parent was nurturing and loving, the infant would gain trust in the parent and vice versa. Erikson said that: â€Å"Hope is both the earliest and the most indispensable virtue inherent in the state of being alive. If life is to be sustained hope must remain†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Cherry, 2013). The second stage is autonomy vs. shame and doubt which is characterized by self-control, courage and will. The general age is about 18 months to two or three years old. Children learn to master basic skills such as using the ‘potty’, walking, talking and feeding themselves. If children master these skills, they build a sense of confidence and autonomy. One of the worst skills a child learns during his or her â€Å"Terrible Two’s†is the ability to use the powerful word, â€Å"NO!†. If shamed in the process of mastering a skill or potty training, children tend to feel a sense of guilt and doubt; therefore, lowering self-esteem. From roughly three to five years old, children tend to observe and mimic adults around them and take initiative in creating play situations. This is the third stage, also known as initiative vs. guilt. The child strives to gain the ability to do things on his or her own, such as dress him or herself. If â€Å"guilty†about making own choices, the child will experience guilt and won’t function well. The fourth stage is industry vs. inferiority. This is â€Å"school-age†, usually six to twelve years old. ‘Child compares self-worth to others, such as in a classroom environment’ (Wikipedia, 2013). ‘At this stage, we are capable of learning, creating and accomplishing numerous new skills and gaining knowledge, thus developing a sense of industry’ (Harder, 2002). If we feel inadequate and inferior among our peers, we can experience serious issues in terms of competence and self-esteem. In the fifth stage, development depends primarily upon what the child does and what is done to the child. Life is now definitely getting more complex as the child attempts to find his or her own iden tity, struggle with social situations, and grapple with moral issues. The age range is from about twelve to eighteen years old. This stage is known as identity vs. role confusion. This is also where the child tries to find him or herself and figure out his or her own identity. The sixth stage of Erikson’s psychosocial development theory is intimacy vs. isolation. The average age is 18 to about 25 or 30. The young adult tries to find long lasting love and have mutually satisfying relationships with family and friends. Adults in this stage tend to generally begin to start a family. ‘If negotiating this stage is successful, we can experience intimacy on a deep level’ (Harder, 2002). The seventh stage is generativity vs. stagnation. This is during middle adulthood from about 35 to 65 years old. This is where work is one of the most crucial things in an adult’s life. ‘Strength comes through care of others and production of something that contributes to the betterment of society†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Harder, 2002). This is what Erikson called generativity. This stage is also notorious for the â€Å"mid-life crisis†. This basically means that once the adult’s child or children has gone off and flew the coop, the parent now has to find new priorities to tend to and struggle with finding new meanings and purposes. ‘If a person is not comfortable with the way their life is progressing, they’re usually regretful about the decisions and feel a sense of uselessness’ (Wikipedia, 2013). This is what Erikson called stagnation. The last stage of Erikson’s development theory is ego integrity vs. despair. The adult is usually about 65 and it goes all the way to death. The individual has now reached the last chapter in their life. Retirement is steadily approaching his or her way or has already taken place at this time. Many have achieved what was important to them like graduating high school and college, getting married, raising a family and retiring from a great job. If the individual feels like he or she has done nothing with his or her life, a sense of despair will con sume him or her. If he or she feels very positive about looking back on life, he or she will feel a sense of integrity. Erik Erikson’s psychosocial development theory is one of the best known stage theories in the psychology world. It does a great deal of explaining why humans act the way they act and why they are who they are. References Cherry, K. (2013). Erik erikson quotes. Retrieved from Erik erikson. (2013, April 14). Retrieved from Harder, A. (2002). Erik erikson’s stages psychosocial development. Retrieved from
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Employment and Trade Unions Essay
Assignment on â€Å"Industrial Relations in Bangladesh†Submitted To Professor Dr. Moniruzzaman Course Teacher Dept: Business Administration Stamford University Bangladesh Submitted by Submitted Date Date: 10/04/2014 Letter of Transmittal April 10, 2014 Professor Dr. Moniruzzaman Department of Business Administration Stamford University Bangladesh. Subject: Submission of Internship Report. Dear Sir, It is a great pleasure and privilege to present the report titled â€Å"Industrial Relations in Bangladesh†which was assigned to me as a part for the competition of MBA Program. Throughout the study I have tried with the best of my capacity to accommodate as much information and relevant issues as possible and tried to follow the instructions as you have suggested. I tried my best to make this report as much informative as possible. I sincerely believe that it will satisfy your requirements. I however sincerely believe that this report will serve the purpose of my course (Industrial Relation). I am grateful to you for your guidance and kind co-operation at every step of my endeavor on this report. My effort will be reworded only if it adds value to the research literature. Introduction One of the major functions of human resource management is to maintain smooth industrial relations (IR). It is also treated as one of the oldest functions of HRM. It is basically allied with the relations between the employer and the workers in the industry (Singh & Kumar, 2011: 3). According to Weeratunga (2003:5) â€Å"Industrial Relations or Labor Relations, the terms used interchangeably, can be viewed as the interaction between the various interested parties involved in employment. The employer and the employee are obvious parties. The state, in ensuring a level playing field for both sides, provides the legal framework within which such relations may take place†. In industrial relations, workers are generally represented by their trade unions formed under chapter 13 of Bangladesh Labor Act–2006 whereas employers are represented by their associations such as Bangladesh Employers Federation. HR managers mediate the relationships between workers and employers though they are appointed by the representatives of employers. Another related term is ‘Employee Relations’. Though both the terms industrial relations and employee relations are structurally similar (Decenzo& Robbins, 1999: 18), employee relations includes, in addition to industrial relations, such aspects as participative management, employee wellbeing, employee development, employee compensation, employee protection and health, and the like (Aswathappa, 2008:534). Generally industrial relations cover the areas such as trade unions, collective bargaining, settlement of industrial disputes, grievance handling procedure, role of government, labor laws, courts and tribunals and role of employers. In the context of developing countries, industrial relations has been influenced by features such as high exploitation of workers, low level of worker participation in decision making, government and political interferences, high rate of illiteracy of workers, low level of employment, low level of awareness among the laborers regarding rights, laws, and trade unionism, and low labor productivity (Khan &Taher, 2008: 222-23). Industrial relations plays an important role in establishing and maintaining industrial democracy (Monappa, 2004: 9) and it is the key to improve productivity in industrial enterprises (Aswathappa, 2004: 534). Human resource management can play vital roles in enhancing cooperative and friendly industrial relations. In Bangladesh, collective bargaining on pay between employer and workmen is prohibited in the public sector enterprises as the government designs uniform pay and benefits for the employees of all public sector enterprises (Mahmood, 2008). The limited scope of collective bargaining in the public sector of Bangladesh influences the trade unions to develop network with government, political parties and other powerful bodies in organizing their activities. It hinders effective interactions between the representatives of employers and workers at enterprise level. Though performance based pay is considered to have significant impact on employee performance (Dessler&Varkkey, 2010: 15), it is not at all practiced by the public sector enterprises in Bangladesh. As a result, public sector enterprises in Bangladesh have been incurring huge losses. On the other hand, all types of collective bargaining takes place at enterprise level in case of private sector enterprises (Khan, 1996). Mahmood (2008) mentioned that the industrial relations process in the private sector was often disturbed by links between private and public sector unions. Objectives: a) To explore the differences between public and private sector industrial enterprises of Bangladesh with respect to overall status of IR. b) To put forward policy implications of overall improvement in IR of Bangladesh. Industrial Relations Studies in Bangladesh Khan (1986) studied industrial relations in Bangladesh with special emphasis on trade unionism. †¦ Trade Unions Trade Union is an organization of workers who have banded together to achieve common goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, achieving higher pay, increasing the number of employees an employer hires, and better working conditions. – An organized association of workers in a trade, group of trades, or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests. – A group of employees in a particular sector, whose aim is to negotiate with employees over pay, job security, working hours, etc. using the collective power of the members. The most common purpose of these associations or unions is â€Å"maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment†. Causes of organizing trade unions Provision of benefits to members: professional training, legal advice and representation for members is still an important benefit of trade union membership. Industrial action: Trade unions may enforce strikes or resistance to lockouts in furtherance of particular goals. Political activity: Trade unions may promote legislation favourable to the interests of their members or workers as a whole. To this end they may pursue campaigns, undertake lobbying, or financially support individual candidates or parties. Conditions of employment and any grievances  are settled through trade unions. Bargaining rights: Trade unions bargain and ensure the status, rights, wages and demands of workers of the modern world of industry. Contribution in economical growth: Trade unions are growing rapidly in an economy because of the expansion of business and economical growth. Objectives Trade unions are the only way to manage, compliant, and control the labour force. Lots of objectives are there to organize trade unions. To defend or improve the wages and working conditions of workers and to bring about a change in the economic order. 2. To strengthen their (labour) bargaining power collectively to establish and achieve all their rights. 3. To dully protect all other interest of the workers . And from the management’s point of view the objectives as written: a) To reduce the number of negotiation. b) To specify work rules, disagreements and grievances to give the better solution to workers claim. c) To establish the efficient communication between the employers and management to enforce the predictable standards. To enhance the overall organizational effectiveness workers can also be sometimes inspired to form and organize trade union. In fact, objectives of a trade union are not defined; rather these are changing according to the need of the economy and overall industry. When these objectives are not settled then the rivals are started History of Trade Unions The Pakistan Period (1947-71) -The East Pakistan Trade Unions Act, 1965 was enacted repealing the Trade Unions Act, 1926. -The Labor Disputes Act, 1965 was enacted. -Industrial Relations Ordinance, 1969 was enacted integrating the above two Acts. The Industrial Relations (Amendment) Ordinance, 1977 liberalized the Rights of Freedom of Association -The Labor Policy of 1980 restored the right to freedom of association to a considerable extent -In 1982 the military regime banned trade union activities, strikes, and right of freedom of association. Limitations In Bangladesh Trade Unions have a lot of unavoidable problems: 1. Lack of consciousness: Trade union are not actually completely aware about employees legal rights and duties. 2. Lack of Unity: In Bangladesh trade unions are separated for political influence. 3. Lack of knowledge: The workers of Bangladesh don’t have enough knowledge about their rights and duties. 4. Political influence: In Bangladesh, trade unions work a part of political parties not as a free right saving association. 5. Division of trade union: Bangladesh is a country where every organization has more trade unions in name only. The overall productivity got down. Suggestions Strengthening bilateral collective bargaining for solving problems quickly and effectively. Multiplicity of trade union creates the rivals in a union. So it must be reduced. Political involvement must be reduced. Organization must support financially as trade unions support the worker. Training programs under trade union should be helpful to develop the skills of the workers. Trade union’s function should be increased and widened throughout the organization. Union leader must be given importance and encourage the members. If trust between workers and management increases, productivity increases. Management must help and guide trade unions to settle industrial clashes and crisis. Trade unions always should demand reasonable thing to the management. . What is a dispute? Academically speaking, industrial dispute refers to any conflict between employees and employers, between employers and employers and between employers and employees. †¢ But in reality, dispute is understood as the conflict between employees and employers. †¢ There are three types of Disputes : †¢ Disciplinary disputes †¢ Grievance disputes †¢ Industrial disputes †¢ According to Industrial Dispute Act, 1947, Industrial dispute means any dispute or difference between employers and employers, or between employers and workmen, or between workmen and workmen, which is connected with the employment or non-employment or terms of employment or with the conditions of labour of any person. Causes of Industrial Disputes: Some of the prominent causes of industrial disputes may be listed thus: Employment: The list here includes disputes over wages, allowances, bonus, benefits, working, condition, unjust dismissals, retrenchment of workers, methods of job evaluation, changes in methods of production, non-implement of awards of tribunals, etc. The National Commission on Labor remarked â€Å"though on majority of occasions industrial disputes were based on claims pertaining to the terms and condition of employment, sometimes economic issues of a general character dominated and, on occasion, purely motives†. The causes of industrial disputes can be broadly classified into two categories: economic and non-economic causes. The economic causes will include issues relating to compensation like wages, bonus, allowances, and conditions for work, working hours, leave and holidays without pay, unjust layoffs and retrenchments. The non economic factors will include victimization of workers, ill treatment by staff members, sympathetic strikes, political factors, indiscipline etc. Wages and allowances: Since the cost of living index is increasing, workers generally bargain for higher wages to meet the rising cost of living index and to increase their standards of living. In 2002, 21. 4% of disputes were caused by demand of higher wages and allowances. This percentage was 20. 4% during 2003 and during 2004 increased up to 26. 2%. In 2005, wages and allowances accounted for 21.8% of disputes. Personnel and retrenchment: The personnel and retrenchment have also been an important factor which accounted for disputes. During the year 2002, disputes caused by personnel were 14. 1% while those caused by retrenchment and layoffs were 2. 2% and 0. 4% respectively. In 2003, a similar trend could be seen, wherein 11. 2% of the disputes were caused by personnel, while 2. 4% and 0. 6% of disputes were caused by retrenchment and layoffs. In year 2005, only 9. 6% of the disputes were caused by personnel, and only 0. 4% were caused by retrenchment. Indiscipline and violence: From the given table, it is evident that the number of disputes caused by indiscipline has shown an increasing trend. In 2002, 29. 9% of disputes were caused because of indiscipline, which rose up to 36. 9% in 2003. Similarly in 2004 and 2005, 40. 4% and 41. 6% of disputes were caused due to indiscipline respectively. During the year 2003, indiscipline accounted for the highest percentage (36. 9%) of the total time-loss of all disputes, followed by cause-groups wage and allowance and personnel with 20. 4% and11. A similar trend was observed in 2004 where indiscipline accounted for 40. 4% of disputes. Bonus: Bonus has always been an important factor in industrial disputes. 6. 7% of the disputes were because of bonus in 2002 and 2003 as compared to 3. 5% and 3. 6% in 2004 and 2005 respectively. Leave and working hours: Leaves and working hours have not been so important causes of industrial disputes. During 2002, 0. 5% of the disputes were because of leave and hours of work while this percentage increased to 1% in 2003. During 2004, only 0.4% of the disputes were because of leaves and working hours. The miscellaneous factors include –  Inter/Intra Union Rivalry –  Charter of Demands –  Work Load –  Standing orders/rules/service conditions/safety measures   –  Non-implementation of agreements and awards etc. Collective Bargaining Collective bargaining includes not only negotiations between the employers and unions but also includes the process of resolving labor-management conflicts. Thus, collective bargaining is, essentially, a recognized way of creating a system of industrial jurisprudence. It acts as a method of introducing civil rights in the industry, that is, the management should be conducted by rules rather than arbitrary decision making. It establishes rules which define and restrict the traditional authority exercised by the management. Importance to employees ? Collective bar aining develops a sense of self respect and responsibility among the employees. It increases the strength of the workforce, thereby, increasing their bargaining capacity as a group. Collective bargaining increases the morale and productivity of employees. It restricts management’s freedom for arbitrary action against the employees. Moreover, unilateral actions by the employer are also discouraged. Effective collective bargaining machinery strengthens the trade unions movement. The workers feel motivated as they can approach the management on various matters and bargain for higher benefits. It helps in securing a prompt and fair settlement of grievances. It provides a flexible means for the adjustment of wages and employment conditions to economic and technological changes in the industry, as a result of which the chances for conflicts are reduced. It becomes easier for the management to resolve issues at the bargaining level rather than taking up complaints of individual workers. 2. Collective bargaining tends to promote a sense of job security among employees and thereby tends to reduce the cost of labor turnover to management. 3. Collective bargaining opens up the channel of communication between the workers and the management and increases worker participation in decision making. 4. Collective bargaining plays a vital role in settling and preventing industrial disputes. Collective bargaining leads to industrial peace in the country 2. It results in establishment of a harmonious industrial climate which supports which helps the pace of a nation’s efforts towards economic and social development since the obstacles to such a development can be reduced considerably. 3. The discrimination and exploitation of workers is constantly being checked. 4. It provides a method or the regulation of the conditions of employment of those who are directly concerned about them.
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